This Pug Is Getting Ready For Bedtime. Now Watch The ADORABLE Thing He Does Next…

WARNING: This video may cause your heart to melt from intense cuteness, and you’re advised to watch this at your own risk.

By now you may or may not have heard about Doug The Pug, but in the last year he has become an Internet sensation with quite a few followers and subscribers on his very own Facebook, YouTube, and Instagram pages. Not only that, but his videos are capturing the hearts of many people. Whether he is riding a skateboard, getting ready for Halloween or even playing with his imaginary pug balloon friend, he sure does know how to put a smile on everyone’s face.

As if you didn’t think this pug was cute enough already, he is at it again with a charming video of him getting ready for bedtime. His nightly routine consists of settling down for the night in his favorite ducky pajamas, cuddling up next to his very own stuffed pug, and looking into the camera with the most lovable looking face.

My favorite part definitely was the scene of him tucked into bed with his stuffed animal. It was almost unreal how adorably humanlike he looked with his paws over the sheet lying in bed the way he was. All I know now is that I am officially in love with this pug!

If you are, too, then please SHARE this adorable video with all of your dog loving friends!