I could hardly keep from crying while covering this story about a beautiful friendship.
Symon Spencer adopted Coco, a rottweiler, when she was just a puppy in 2006.
When she was 8 years old she began to limp. Symon took Coco to the vet and discovered there was a tumor in her leg. His best friend had terminal cancer and only four to six weeks to live.
Though the news was grim, Symon pulled himself together for Coco's sake, not unlike Riina, who gave her terminal pet the celebration of a lifetime.
“I had a bit of a cry about it right there and then when I was told — I asked the vet how long are we looking at and in my head I was thinking 12 months, but she said four weeks. I was devastated,” he told Daily Mail.
Devastating news for anyone who has a beloved pet. Symon described Coco as a warm and friendly companion.
“She’s never shown any aggression and just wants attention. She will lick you to death and just wants attention, as long as you give her a little love she is happy,” he said.
To celebrate Coco’s life he did something pretty incredible with her.
Check out their amazing journey together below and SHARE if this made you tear up like I did!
Meet Coco the Rottweiler and her human, Symon Spencer.
A match made in best friend heaven, it was disheartening news for Symon to find out that at 8 years old, Coco had terminal cancer.
With only 4–6 weeks to live, he decided to make Coco's last days count. He did something spectacular and made a bucket list for their beloved friend.
"I was crying for most of the weekend after being told. 'Dogs are really clever and they pick up on your mood and adopt it, so she was feeling low too. I thought 'I need to snap out of this,' " he said.
"We came up with the bucket list idea that weekend really. We want to give Coco the best end of life possible."
Here is what Coco's bucket list included...all of which she has completed!
- Get a 3-D scan
- Run on a beach
- Play with other dogs on a beach
- Play football on a beach
- Run into the sea
- Eat fish and chips on the beach
- Share an ice cream with daddy at the beach
- Have photos with daddy, mummy and nanny
- Go for a ride in mummy’s TT Convertible
- Sit in a police car
- Sit in a fire engine
- Sit in a police helicopter
- Sit in the front cab of a train
- Go swimming in a pool with daddy
- Eat a steak in a restaurant
- Order and eat a Big Mac from a drive through
- Go to work with daddy
- Go to work with mummy
- Photo with British Transport Police
- Appear in the media
- Cast a paw print
- Try sushi
Check out Coco and her daddy sharing an ice cream cone.
Coco rides shotgun!
She finally gobbles up a Big Mac.
But that doesn't compare to her deliciously formal steak dinner.
Symon even had her paw imprinted as a keepsake.
Coco passed away a happy dog on May 5th, 2015. Symon wrote a few parting words.
"One last time you were lying next to me, as the vet talked to you, you stopped for an instant, turned your head and looked at me as if to say, 'Thank you for taking care of me,' I thought, 'No thank you for taking care of me.' “
SHARE if you hope you can do this for someone you love someday.