30 Times Mothers-In-Law Were Just Way Too Much

Mothers-in-law can be truly wonderful creatures. If you're very lucky, having an exceptional mother-in-law can be like a bonus mom — full of support, love, and genuine warmth. But for so many people, mothers-in-law can provide more than extra love and warmth. They also offer up a boatload of stress.

For whatever reason, mother-in-law dynamics can be hard to navigate. Some of it probably has to do with dated ideas about how a family should be run, or how partner relationships should work. Some of it simply has to do with overstepping boundaries that should never be crossed.

Truly, there are so many shocking mother-in-law stories out there. So if you have one of your own, be comforted that you are far from alone. We're not saying it's easy, but man, these stories give us life.

Here are 30 times mothers-in-law were entirely too much:

1. This MIL Who Thought Her Son Needed Oranges Peeled for Him

One of the biggest complaints about MILs is that, all too often, they act like their grown sons can't fend for themselves. This MIL took that mentality to an entirely different level. Apparently, she thought her son couldn't handle peeling his own oranges. She told his wife that if she would just do it for him, he'd make better food choices. OK … but is he 6?

2. Young at Heart?

Age happens to all of us. But sometimes, we aren't quite ready for it. This mother-in-law took things too far when she asked her grandkids to call her "mom" in front of her new boyfriend. That can't be a good way to start a relationship, now, can it?

3. The Lady Who Tried To Breastfeed Her Grandchild

A mother-in-law's love and affection is a wonderful thing. However! There are boundaries, and one of those boundaries that should never be crossed (I can't believe we have to say this) is nursing someone else's baby without permission. This MIL was caught on video attempting to nurse her grandchild. To say the mom was horrified would be a massive understatement. So not OK …

4. This MIL Who Wanted To Look Like the Bride

It's an unspoken rule (because literally everyone on the face of the earth knows it, or should) that you don't wear white to someone else's wedding. This mother-in-law did not get the memo or didn't care. It looks like her son has two brides, and she's one of them. Weird.

5. The Wannabe Birthing Audience

Giving birth is a sacred event. With that being said, there is only one person who should get to decide who is in the delivery room: the birthing person! This mother-in-law didn't get invited to her grandchild's birth, so she threw a hissy fit and did everything in her power to try to get an invite, including calling her daughter-in-law's parents. Is this real life?

6. The One Who Calls Her Grandchild the Wrong Name ... On Purpose

Mothers-in-law are sometimes forgetful. Sometimes they might even call their beloved kids or grandkids by the wrong name. But it's clearly a mistake! In the case of this MIL, though, she was doing it on purpose simply because she didn't like the name her daughter and her husband chose. What!??

7. The MIL Who Wanted To Pick the Wedding Dress

Picking out your wedding dress is a super-joyous and exciting occasion! But when your MIL wants to tag along, it can get a little less pleasant. Especially if she wants to pick the dress for you and has a super-specific idea about what you should wear on your wedding day, like this MIL. Not cool!

8. The MIL Who Shaved Her Grandchild's Head

People have a lot of different feelings when it comes to a baby's hair, especially when that baby is a girl. Many people want to make sure people know it's a girl, so they'll put bows or accessories on their little bald heads. This mother-in-law took things in another direction and actually shaved her baby granddaughter's head. Weird flex, but OK.

9. This MIL Who Is Def Not a Doctor

An allergic reaction can be a serious, or even fatal, thing. However, one mother-in-law didn't think that much was true. She tried to tell her daughter-in-law to chill out about her child's allergic reaction to a peanut. The mom didn't listen and took her child to the hospital for treatment. Guess who decided to make the situation all about her? Mmm-hmm.

10. The Jealous One

We've definitely heard of mothers-in-law being jealous of their daughter-in-law and son's closeness. But being jealous of the relationship a daughter-in-law has with her own baby? That's a new one, but this MIL somehow managed to pull it off, even trying to steal the baby's attention away from mom.

11. The MIL Who Needs the Big Wedding

Even if someone wants a very small wedding — such as only a few people, like these two brides — no one else should really get a say in it. A wedding is all about those personal choices that make it unique. Of course, mothers-in-law don't always know when to let their daughters-in-law (or daughters-in-law-to-be) make their own choices. This one even got the rest of the family involved. Yikes!

12. The One Who Orders the Most Expensive Thing on the Menu

If you invite someone to dinner, there should be a few things that go without saying. Like, don't expect them to pay for your meal, especially if you're going to order the most expensive thing, like, say, a $200 steak! But that's just one of the many ways this MIL turned this dinner date into a nightmare.

13. The One Who Needs To 'Girl' the Baby Up

A lot of people these days prefer to dress their babies in a more gender-neutral fashion, at least until the baby is old enough to pick out their own clothes. So parents will frequently request gender-neutral clothes instead of the dated pinks and blues. That didn't stop this grandma from showing up with a bag full of only pink "girly" clothes, and it was clearly too much for mom.

14. The MIL Who Thinks She's a Home Decorator

Most people don't like it when someone comes over when they aren't invited. But what if they came over and redecorated your home while you were gone? Well, this batty MIL did just that, and let's just say, it didn't go over well. Not just because it was a major invasion of privacy, but because it was majorly tacky!

15. This MIL Who Spoke Too Soon

Teaching our kids how to clean up their messes is hard work! But sometimes, our MILs act like it's all too easy. Even though they think they did everything right as moms, there is evidence in how their sons still don't seem to know how to pick up their socks and underwear. This obnoxious MIL spoke a bit too soon when it came to telling the mama how to parent.

16. The One Who Wore an ACTUAL Wedding Dress to Her Son's Wedding

If you thought wearing white to someone else's wedding was bad, just wait. This MIL took things to the next level. She didn't just wear a white dress to her son's wedding. She wore an actual wedding dress. And no, the bride did not approve.

17. The Impatient One

Deciding when to start a family of your own is a hugely personal decision. There are just so many factors that weigh into it. This MIL didn't just express her impatience to her daughter-in-law. She put it on the internet!

18. The Really, Really Outspoken One

Aw, it's so sad when MILs don't get exactly what they want, isn't it? This one thought it was appropriate to say that what she didn't want was the daughter-in-law she got. Well, it's a little too late! It's also extremely rude.

19. The Body Shamer

It's not really cool when anyone comments on your body, unless they're straight-up saying you look incredible. But this MIL kept telling her daughter-in-law that she looked pregnant. Not only that, she told her the baby was growing. Only thing is, there wasn't a baby!

20. The Hair Critic

This annoying MIL is a pro at backhanded compliments. Like, she told her DIL that her hair looked good but also expressed her horror that she let it go without so much as a trim. Well, it's been a rough year, LINDA.

21. The Behavior Police

We all know that kids need rules. But this mother-in-law didn't want to give any to her grandchild — she just expected perfect behavior. Her lack of follow-through, of course, resulted in bad behavior. Guess who got blamed? The parents.

22. The One Who Wouldn't Get Vaxxed

It's totally normal for people to want to protect their kids from the health crisis! And when it comes to kids who have health issues — like this mom's premature baby — it makes even more sense, though. That didn't stop this loony MIL from refusing to get vaxxed and tell her DIL to just "trust in God."

23. The One Who Always Brings Up Satan

Some people just love to bring up Satan. I don't know why, but maybe you could ask this MIL. She doesn't believe in going to therapy, which, OK, fine. But she actually said that "psychology was invented by people with Satanic views." Something about that just doesn't fit.

24. The MIL Who Will Do Anything To Get What She Wants

These days, homes are more expensive than ever, so sometimes living arrangements aren't perfect as a result. This MIL not only wanted to move in with her DIL and son, she also wanted them to lie to their landlord about how many people were living there in order to make it happen. She … seems like a lot.

25. The Worst Gift Giver Ever

Struggling to conceive is one of the absolute hardest and most heartbreaking things a person can go through. It's even tougher if you aren't surrounded by loving, supportive people. This MIL didn't just disrespect her daughter-in-law with a thoughtless gift. She deeply hurt her. The gift? A stocking filled with baby items.

26. The MIL Who Doesn't Believe in Allergies

Listen up, folks! Some people are allergic to gluten. Yes, it became a bit of a buzzword for a while. It was maybe trendy to avoid it. However, gluten allergies are real. This mom has one, and she really didn't appreciate when her MIL ignored it completely at her baby shower!

27. This Creepy Secret-Video-Taker

Birth is oh so personal. However, a super-creepy mother-in-law obviously did not understand that. Not only did she act horribly during the birth, yelling at her DIL to push and being aggressive, she secretly filmed the event! And it was from the worst possible angle. That's such an invasion of privacy!

28. The MIL Who Wanted the Same Ring

Getting a unique ring from your partner is such a beautiful thing. But this MIL didn't understand how special that was to her DIL. Maybe she thought it was flattery, but she ordered herself the exact same engagement ring as her DIL because she liked it so much. Uhhh. Obsessed much?

29. The One Who Gets Too Close

While it can totally be nice to have family nearby, especially when you're raising your own, this MIL took that to the next level. She actually moved in next door to her son and DIL and OMG. If that isn't the stuff of nightmares, then we don't know what is.

30. The Pee-Pee Police

Circumcision is a really big debate. A lot of people these days don't want the procedure done on their babies. It is primarily an aesthetic procedure with little, if any, proven medical benefit. But one MIL didn't see it that way and pushed for circumcision. Can we just say "not her child, not her business" and leave it at that? One can hope, but it doesn't seem to be so when it comes to this ultra-pushy MIL.