When Christmas is over, the focus switches from present wrapping to resolution writing.
Our goals for the new year can range from dropping a certain amount of weight to being nicer to those relatives that can get on our nerves. We may even include some pet-positive resolutions!
However, some people have very, very specific challenges in mind. We can admire these folks for taking on such undertakings, while still wondering how they are possibly going to do them.
Many are willing to tell the entire world of these hopes and dreams they're going to try to tackle, so we collected some of the most bizarre and unique New Year's resolutions we came across to share with you.
Did these inspire your very own specific goals, or do you already have some in mind? Let us know in the comments below, and please SHARE with your friends and family on Facebook!
Thumbnail sources: The Simple Luxurious Life, Flickr / Kohei Kanno
“To be rejected by several women. This sounds strange, but I mean it in the context of having the confidence to ask out a girl I like and actively trying to get a girlfriend. Of course, this could be a moot point if the first one I ask says yes!” — rez12345
“Getting to the front page [of Reddit] at least once, becoming a meme, go to the moon, in that order.” — Reddit user
“This year, I want to watch 100 movies. But I better not do it at the expense of my grades, so my goal is to watch 100 movies AND keep my scholarship.” — PrivateChicken
“Not being constrained to resolutions, since I never remember them.” — ideafix_jones
“I will wear the same bikini in all my selfies.” — @joelmgardland
“Don’t die, still live in Amsterdam… don’t let my bike get stolen.” — DannyonPC
“I need to cut back on the sweepstakes and surveys. They are time wasters and are boring to do, and my husband misses me. I think it was awesome to have a 95% free Christmas BUT really, does it matter if it all came in the mail for free if we are lonely and brokenhearted, yet just inches apart?” — msheaven
“To never buy food that isn’t on special offer.” — @westhamster2
“I’d like to accomplish 150 hours of cardio and 2 new IT certifications. Maybe lose 40 pounds…while being sober. We will see lol.” — blackmach1ine
“My goal for 2016 is to get a dog. Seems weird, but I’ve simultaneously been dying for and terrified of getting a dog for a very long time. I hope I man up this year.” — adibidibadibi
“Learn the difference between ‘effect’ and ‘affect’. Learn how to clone Nutella. Buy a boat. Preferable inflatable.” — @barstooljordie
Did we miss any ones you've heard that are worth sharing? Or do you personally have any out there resolutions you want to share with the world? Leave a comment below, and please SHARE with your family and friends on Facebook!
These stories are based on posts found on Reddit. Reddit is a user-generated social news aggregation, web content rating, and discussion website where registered members submit content to the site and can up- or down-vote the content. The accuracy and authenticity of each story cannot be confirmed by our staff.