15 Times Kids’ ‘Crimes’ Were Just Too Funny For Parents To Punish

One of the toughest things to do as a parent is to punish your child.

You want them to learn their lesson and grow up to be good little boys and girls, but that doesn't make punishing them for their crimes any easier. It's not fun to watch your kids learn lessons the hard way, but it's something that has to happen when they're little, or else it will happen when they're older and the consequences will be much worse.

Sometimes, though, you might decide to let things slide a bit. Maybe you are too tired to go through with a punishment in the moment, and concede to teaching a lesson at some other moment. Other times, your kid will do something bad that will make you laugh so hard you won't be able to catch your breath in time to punish them!

These 15 true stories from Reddit users all made the parents laugh so hard that they plain forgot to dole out the sentences to their kids.

Has your kid or grandkid ever done something both bad and funny like this, prompting you to let them get away with it? Please SHARE with family and friends on Facebook!

[H/T: Reddit]

Thumbnail Source: YouTube


Wikimedia Commons

"I was around maybe 5 or 6 years old, and we had a fish tank downstairs in my living room. I always loved animals so I was enticed by them. One morning I woke up before my parents, and I snuck downstairs to look at the fish tank. The thing was, I had grabbed a fishing pole and had decided I was going to try and catch the fish.

"My parents found it hard to contain themselves when they found me, red faced holding a full size fishing pole into the fish tank."  – Odatria


Flickr / Jim Winstead

"As a child, my parents would always threaten to wash my mouth out with soap if I would say a bad word or have a 'tone' or attitude. One day, when I was around 5 or so, I had asked my father if I could go play with the neighbor kids. He very grumpily answered 'NO!' Naturally, I thought his cranky tone was deserving of said punishment.

"So while he was in the shower, I took his toothbrush and rubbed it all over a bar of soap. He caught me, and couldn't stop laughing long enough to actually punish me." – Lexl0ve


Flickr / Alex Smith

"In kindergarten, my son finished his lunch early and started to make the trek out to the playground, but the lunchroom monitor told him he had to wait for the other kids in his class to finish eating. So he walked back to his table and pretended to die.

"Apparently he was so convincing and played his part so well that, after failing to 'revive' him, they called the emergency line and the ambulance and police showed up. As soon as he heard the sirens, he hopped up and lined up with his class to go outside." – FloofyBear


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"After a fire drill in pre-k, he hid in a bush when the teacher wasn't looking and then started to walk home. He said he was bored and missed me. He got about 1/2 mile down the road before they found him." – FloofyBear



"First time the tooth fairy visited me, my younger sister was upset that she didn't receive any money as well. Later that afternoon my mom found her in the backyard trying to knock her teeth out with a building block." – unfrufru


Wikimedia Commons

"There were five of us: my mother, my sister, my sister's fiancé, my niece, and I [out to dinner]. All the adults order steak and my niece orders mac n' cheese. Our food arrives and we all start to eat. The adults all say things like 'this is so good,' or 'this is the best steak I've ever had.'

"Not wanting to be left out of giving compliments my niece mumbled something. Nobody understood what she said, which prompted my sister to say 'I didn't hear you sweetie, say it louder.' My niece, as loud as she could, repeated herself 'THIS IS F*****G DELICIOUS!'

"The entire restaurant stops what they are doing and begin to stare at us. My sister is embarrassed and tells my niece not to say that because it's a bad word. My mother, my sister's fiancé, and I are laughing like idiots, which caused a bigger scene.

"One of the funniest things my niece has ever done." – Reddit User


Public Domain Pictures

"When my sister and I were little (sis was 4, I was 2) she hit me in the face. As punishment, my parents told her she had to pay $1 for hitting me.

"My sister handed my parents $2, said 'The extra $1 is for this' and smacked me in the face again." – crrrenee


Flickr / terren in Virginia

"My son dropped the F-bomb in his preschool class and the teacher asked him to stand in front of the room and apologize to the other students. So he walked to the front of the room and said 'I'm not sorry and you're all acting like a bunch of babies!'

"They called me to come pick him up for the day and I laughed the whole way there." – JustBurpMeAndLeave


Flickr / Simply CVR

"My mom loves telling this story. Apparently when I was in elementary school I got in trouble and had a note sent home that she had to sign saying she read it. Me being the clever kid I am decided to forge her name… Only I signed it 'MOM.'

"Needless to say, it didn't work and my plan was discovered. She still laughs about it." – Reddit User


Wikimedia Commons

"My 2.5-year-old little girl yelled at the car in front of us to 'grow a pair' when they stopped at a yellow light. Don't know where she got that from." – mrssarahksimpson


Wikimedia Commons

"Just spoke to my best friend from childhood. He was telling me how his boys (twins) were at first biting other kids at daycare. They were told to stop, so instead they're now kissing other kids." – z0rb0r


Flickr / Amber Strocel

"My 3-year-old arrived at the birthday party of one of her friends. When the mother of the birthday girl asked my daughter what she would like to drink, my kid answers with 'I'll have a small beer please.'" – Piccolo_sonata


Flickr / LearningLark

"Four-year-old son decided to change 2-year-old son's hair color. With household paint." – Breeze_in_the_Trees


Wikimedia Commons

"In the 4th grade I gave someone the middle finger in church. My mother didn't hide her laughter." – Hunting_Gnomes



"Fifteen minutes ago my 3-year-old dumped a glass of water over her brother's head." – sjmp75020

Has your kid or grandkid ever done something funny like this? Please SHARE with fellow parents on Facebook!

These stories are based on posts found on Reddit. Reddit is a user-generated social news aggregation, web content rating, and discussion website where registered members submit content to the site and can up- or down-vote the content. The accuracy and authenticity of each story cannot be confirmed by our staff.