These 30 Rapscallion Cats Are Everything Good About The Internet

Are you looking for something to make you smile or give you a good laugh? Then we have just the thing for you! In fact, we have an entire list of adorable, hilarious, and downright grin-worthy cats who are the perfect — or should we say purr-fect? — way to give yourself a little boost. And that's not just our opinion.

"Research has found that it might actually be beneficial for us to take in more 'fluffy' (literally and figuratively) social media content," according to Verywell Mind. The mental health-minded outlet even noted that "some studies have suggested that watching cute animal videos can lift your mood and help build your resilience to stress."

Although you don't really need a reason to indulge in feline-filled fun online, that might be the motivation that you needed to give yourself all the time in the world to enjoy the following cats who are everything good about the internet.

Angel Kitty Is Simply Heaven

A kitten with angel wings? Oh, OK! This beautiful baby cat looks ready to ascend into the sky with those little wings. Seeing this fluffy cutie sitting up with the most adorable face will make anyone a believer in cat heaven.

Kittens and Babies = So Cute!

We almost can't handle this adorable montage of little kittens playing with their baby humans. It’s a cuteness overload watching the fur babies pawing, snuggling, and even cleaning their counterparts. The short video is especially heartwarming thanks to the fact that we're seeing the early bond that each pair share. Aw!

The One and Only Lil Bub

Lil Bub was an Instagram sensation with over 2 million people following to have a glance at her adorably unique look. According to her website, Lil Bub “was born with a multitude of genetic anomalies which all add up to one of nature's happiest accidents.” Looking into the face of this loveable “perma-kitten” is enough to lift anyone’s spirits.

Kitty Car Ride

This cat is so wildly excited to be out for a car ride and just can’t hide it! With huge eyes full of wonder looking at the world around it and a furry smile that practically stretches from ear to ear, this feline is having the time of its life.

Who Doesn't Enjoy a Massage?

Ah, that amazing feeling when you get a relaxing shoulder massage. When fingers are pressed rhythmically into your muscles and melt your stress away. But who knew that our feline friends would need a little rubdown as well? This video of an orange tabby getting a massage while in full relaxation mode is just so sweet and oh so relatable!

Who’s That Cat in the Mirror?

Cats are both curious and playful, which is why watching this little black and white wonder discovering itself in the mirror will bring you so much joy. The cuteness is almost too much as the kitty pounces, paws, and tries to play with its own reflection.

So Close and Yet So Far

Known for their great jumping abilities, some cats can deftly leap from surface to surface without missing a beat. However, in this video, we can plainly see that not all cats have the jumping gene ingrained in them. This fuzzy feline summons all of its efforts into a possibly epic jump onto the counter … but instead comes up hilariously short.

Bath Time

Bath time and cats aren't always an ideal combination; however, this little black kitten seems to be purr-fectly fine with a soapy scrub-down. As the cat is sitting pretty being washed in a frothy bubble bath, you'll be drawn into this tub-time moment by those big beautiful eyes that are almost impossible to look away from. Scrub-a-dub-dub, little one!

A Good Snuggle

Who doesn’t love a good snuggle? This picture of two fuzzy friends is so adorable that you'll want to curl right up there with them. With their faces absolutely smooshed together, you can only sit back and wonder what they might be dreaming about.

Are You Talking to Me?

Cats have some serious vocal range, which may sound, at times, like they are actually talking. For instance, in this video two cats are having a full-on conversation with each other. At first, it seems like the two are angry, but as the, er, discussion continues, it starts to sound as though this is merely a very animated chat. Probably discussing paw-litics.

Time for a Brush

Although cats are pretty good at keeping their own coats looking fine, sometimes a kitten needs a little help. In this video, a beautiful ginger kitten is getting a brush and seems to be loving it. The tiny thing looks curious and fabulous throughout the process, which is done with the cutest, smallest brush.

Sweet Dreams

Babies sleeping? Adorable. Kittens sleeping? Forget about it! Watching this beautiful gray baby cat in deep sleep and sprawled out on its back is beyond sweet. We can't decide if the paws spread out to the side are cuter or if the extreme cuteness comes from those little legs kicking up in the air. Honestly, it's both!

That’s My Baby

Mom definitely knows what’s best, especially when it’s a cat mom. This video starts off with an absolutely adorable little kitten “meowing” while being held. Then mom swoops in to grab her baby and place the kitten back with its siblings.

Taking a Break

Life is tough, and sometimes you just need to take a little break. However, this beautiful kitten decided to take a quick power nap halfway through trying to climb over a fence. Perhaps it's a cute reminder that it’s OK to take your time and that naps can happen anywhere?

A Sneaky Surprise

This video follows a sweet little kitten practicing sneaky moves. As kitty moves closer and closer to one of its siblings, it then makes a mighty pounce. Yet, in an unexpected outcome, the formerly fierce kitten is the one who ends up surprised. Still, this little one gets an A for effort.

Food Thief

This sneaky black cat has the art of distraction perfected! While its human is enjoying his dinner, the cat smartly keeps its paws busy on the hand without the food, drawing the attention away from the fork. Then with stunning speed, the cat swipes and grabs the edible prize.

Kitty’s Day at the Spa

Sometimes you just need to treat yourself, whether it be a day out on the town or an afternoon at the spa. It’s apparently no different for cats, as this little kitten gets the royal treatment on its day to relax. The spa session starts with adding a tiny pillow underneath the kitten’s head, followed by a thorough belly and face brushing, and ending with a nice body massage. Talk about pampered!

Out for a Wintery Walk

What’s better than a wintery walk with friends? These two furry pals stick so close to each other while out for a stroll that it looks like they are holding tails. Even when one cat stops for a quick side glance, its buddy is right there stuck like fuzzy glue. I think we could all use a pal like that.

Jumpin’ Cat Flash

There's something about mirrors that seems to invoke hilarious reactions from cats. For instance, this curious kitty spots its reflection in a big mirror and hops down to investigate. What follows is an amazing display of acrobatic jumping that would put Cirque du Soleil performers to shame.

Obstacle Course Cats

Question: What do you get when you put a cat’s agility to the test with an obstacle course made out of plastic cups? Answer: Pure hilarity. In this video, three cats are challenged with a floor full of cups that they must navigate. The first two fur geniuses impressively make it through with little effort, but cat No. 3 takes a different approach and dives right into the cups, knocking most of them over. Well, two out of three ain’t bad!

Kitty Kisses

In this beautiful video, we get treated to a little sleepy gray kitten in a basket, tucking in for an afternoon nap. As if that wasn’t sweet enough, when its human leans in for a kiss, the kitten shows us a dreamy smile.

Cat in Training

An adorably fluffy cat goes full “Rocky” as it hits the leaves of a plant like it’s hitting a punching bag. Set to the song “Eye of the Tiger,” this video shows a cat who takes its training very seriously, with punch after punch from those fuzzy little paws landing accurately on target.

A Mother’s Love

This video featuring a mother and kitten will give you all the feels. The mommy cat shows extreme patience while her newborn kitten lies on top of her head, sound asleep. Even when the little one slowly starts to slide down the mom’s face, mom is as still as can be so that her baby can get some much-needed rest.

It’s So Fluffy!

We could stare at this beautiful cat all day! Its fur is so fluffy that the rest of its body just seems to disappear in a mass of orange, white, and brown wonderfulness. You can almost feel the softness through the picture. Is it wrong to want to snuggle this cat like a big pillow? We didn’t think so either.

How Did the Cat Cross the Road?

Sometimes you just need a little help from your friends. In this video, a cat waits patiently for a traffic officer, who stops vehicles without missing a beat in order to make sure his furry pal is able to cross the street safely.

So Hungry

Cats are incredibly smart creatures, which is why they have a variety of ways to tell you that they’re hungry. For instance, that might mean a loud “meow,” rubbing up against your leg, or in this case a not-so-subtle gesture. This cute little cat expresses its hunger by constantly tapping its food dish and is so engaged in the task, that it doesn’t even respond to its human. So smart and so hilarious!


It can be easier to learn by mimicking others, and in this adorable video, a little kitten copies its mother. The baby follows mom around, and when mom scratches, the kitten does too. When mom licks herself to clean her fur, sure enough, the kitty follows suit. What a wonderful (and educational) relationship.

Coffee Time

We all could use a pick-me-up in the morning, and what’s better than starting your day with a strong cup of coffee? That’s exactly what this cute kitten needs, as it can barely keep its eyes open as its paws rest on a coffee cup. Maybe this little one needs to give up the decaf?

A Little Help Here?

Cats have a wonderful mix of agility and grace, but when you add in their unstoppable curiosity, it can lead to trouble. This little cat finds itself in a bit of a situation when it happens to get stuck hanging from inside multiple clothes hangers. Oops!

Cat and Bird Convo

When you think of the relationship between cats and birds, being able to carry on a conversation probably wouldn’t come to mind. However, in the case of this unlikely pair, it actually sounds like the animals are talking to each other. We would love to know what they are saying, because there is quite a range of emotions on display.