5 Fun Olympic-Style Events Families Can Create In Their Very Own Backyards

The summer Olympic Games are so close we can practically taste them! Even if you aren't exactly a sport-watching person, the Olympics are a whole different vibe. They're so much fun to watch because you know you're getting the very best of the best. Plus, it's history in the making.

It's truly incredibly to see athletes of such high caliber compete against one another. And honestly, it brings out the competitive spirit in all of us. That's especially true for kiddos.

If your kids are really into the Olympics, they're likely thinking about their own abilities and how to test them out! But no matter what they're into, whether it's gymnastics or sprinting, they can get in on the fun while in their own backyard.

Here are some ideas for fun Olympic-style events the whole family can compete in:

1. The High Jump

The high jump is a cool event that mimics the pole jump. Did you ever wonder how high you could jump? Test out your skills with a family relay-style event. This one is easy to set up, and you don't need to try to hurl yourself over a bar to do it. All you need is a jump rope and a soft place to land!

Have two people hold the jump rope waist-high, gradually moving it higher and higher with easy successful jump. The team with the most members who can make it over the highest point wins the event.

2. The Climbing Wall

Climbing is brand new to the Olympics this year! It's such an amazing event that requires a ton of leg strength and incredible agility. Most people don't have a climbing wall in their backyards. But you can totally make one with one simple purchase!

Snag this set from REI to create your own rock wall! Then have teams race up the wall, relay-style. The fastest team to complete the event wins!

3. The Sprinter Splash

All you need for this event is a sprinkler and a little bit of yard space. It's basically a sprinting event, but you have to run through a fun obstacle. The sprinkler seems like it's all fun and games, but it might make the ground a little moist, which could turn this event into a mudslide, too.

Have teams race to the finish, while passing a baton (a pool diving stick works!). The first team to have all members complete the sprint wins.

4. The Jump-Till-You-Slump Event

Jump roping is not an Olympic event, but it totally should be. Not only is it fun, it's a great workout. But if you haven't jumped rope for a while, you might be surprised to realize just how hard it is!

For this event, jump without missing a step for as long as you can, then pass the jump rope to your next teammate. The team who jumps for the longest without messing up wins!

5. The Course of Mayhem

I don't know about your kids, but mine love putting together makeshift obstacle courses in the backyard with whatever we have lying around. It could be hopping from chair to chair, or stepping through a ladder, or bouncing on a mini trampoline to get to the next obstacle race, but they're always fun to create and even more fun to race!

For this obstacle, create a course with whatever you have available. Then have each team relay-run the course while someone times them. The team with the best time wins.

Definitely exercise caution when preparing your mini Olympic games, because we can't all be Olympians, after all. That doesn't mean we can't have fun in our own backyards, though.

Chances are, these games will get the whole family pretty amped for the real thing, too!

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