Giving Back And Why It Matters: 5 Ways To Instill An Attitude Of Gratitude In Children

Gratitude is at the center of many American families, but that's not reflected in our society at large. There's a lot of selfishness that's front and center in the different areas of our world.

Yet at home, most parents continue to do the hard and sometimes thankless work of teaching their children about gratitude, the debts we owe to our communities as part of them, and the importance of giving back. It isn't always easy. In a world that demands so much of us, we want to give ourselves grace. Sometimes, to kids who don't see the big picture, it could look like selfishness.

Modeling the behavior we want to see in our children is important when it comes to gratitude, but practicing what we preach is just one of many ways we can teach our kids about being grateful and giving back.

Show Gratitude Toward Our Children


The idea that kids should listen to their parents without question or comment is still pretty prevalent in parenting. As a result, there are a lot of parents out there who are showing their kids they're capable of gratitude but who don't show gratitude toward their children. Thanking your kids for the things they do and showing them you recognize their actions big and small is an important step in showing them what gratitude is all about.

Talk About Generous Activities That Happen at Home

Girl taking donation box full with stuff for donate
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Talk about the ways we show gratitude that may not always be clear. Cleaning out toys to make way for the holiday haul? Donate some to local organizations and talk about what those organizations mean to the communities they benefit with your kids.

Work on a Gratitude Project as a Family


Expressing gratitude as a family will help kids learn to be grateful for things independently. Some families cultivate this feeling by picking an organization to donate to, be it with time or money. You can do this quarterly or monthly to keep the gratitude going all year long.

Find the Silver Linings in Difficult Situations


Hard times are unavoidable, although what that looks like will vary from family to family. Regardless of what you're struggling with, there's something to be said for taking a moment to find the bright side of a situation. It can be hard, but it teaches kids there's light even in the darkest moments.

Explore the Ways Different Cultures Express Gratitude

Gratitude isn't just societal but cultural as well. Look into the cultures that make up your family and the different ways they express gratitude. You may find something you can incorporate into your family's life that feels natural.