This is a great reminder to always choose kindness.
Landen Ewing, 22, was on a flight from Dallas to Amarillo, Texas, when she noticed the male passenger seated beside her was texting his girlfriend.
Because of the way he was holding his phone, Landen was able to read the exchange, and the brutality of his words left her shocked — and initially hurt.
It all started when Landen saw the man's girlfriend sending him a simple text.
"How's the flight going?" the girlfriend asked.
His response, much to Landen's surprise, was all about her weight and how uncomfortable the flight was because of her size.
Landen, who says she's a size 2, sneakily snapped a photo of the text exchange before posting it to TikTok for all to see, exposing her fellow traveler's cruelty.
Watch the video to see the text exchange — and Landen's message for the man's girlfriend — that's now going viral.