The dad of one of two teens involved in a shootout with Orlando deputies is defending his daughter, 14-year-old Nicole Jackson.
Nicole and a 12-year-old boy ran away from the group home they resided in. From there, they broke into a home and armed themselves with the homeowner's weapons, among which were a handgun, a shotgun, and an AK-47. When deputies arrived at the scene, the two teens began shooting at them.
Nicole was injured in the shootout and recovered from life-threatening injuries. Her father, Steve Jackson, says that while many have rushed to judge his daughter, she's not what she's being made out to be.
"My daughter ain't no thug,” Steve told Inside Edition.
"She ain't no gangster, nothing like that. She stole puppies. What kind of gangster steals a puppy?"
Steve says that while Nicole has done wrong, she's also dealing with a difficult hand.
"I know she has done some things in her past," he acknowledges.
"She's also changed medications. She has mental disorders that are diagnosed."
Steve wants his daughter to know she's loved and those who care about her want to help her better herself.
"I love you. I wish I could be there next to you," he said.
"I'm glad you woke up. I'm glad you're safe."