Mom Called DCFS On Herself And Is Considering Placing Out-Of-Control Teen In Foster Care

In a segment on The Dr. Phil Show, a mother named Marie finds herself at such a loss with her out-of-control teenager, Willow, that she admits she called the Department of Children and Family Services on herself.

The segment details the various troubling issues that Marie has experienced with her daughter. Included in that list is inappropriate name-calling and verbal attacks, physical altercations, destruction of her home, and even Willow pulling a knife on her mother.

Marie notes that she has “called the cops over 27 times in the past year” and had to move her son out of the family home due to Willow’s unpredictable behavior. Marie even has concerns that Willow might one day take her life if this continues.

When Dr. Phil asks Marie about the parenting situation with Willow and what really happened, she admits that she’s in over her head as a parent and has “absolutely failed her.”

She tells Dr. Phil that she’s reached out to multiple types of local social services over the years to get help for Willow and any attempts were sabotaged by her daughter.

When Dr. Phil questions Marie about where she believes this behavior stems from with her daughter or if she considers her to be an “evil child,” she promptly tells him no. She thinks that Willow acts out in these ways due to deep-seated anger and pain that she’s experienced in her short life. The reason why Dr. Phil believes she is acting out is actually very sad. Watch the video to find out more.