8 Things Moms Would Only Ever Share With Other Moms Who Get It

Moms have a special way of bonding with one another. Motherhood comes with so many shared experiences that it's hard not to connect with other parents in some instances.

The fact is that your child-free friends don't want to hear certain things about your life as a mom. Even if they smile and nod through it, they're uninterested at best. There are some things about parenting that are just not interesting if you're not a parent yourself.

As a result, it's almost like moms are sharing a secret language when they get together. Who else knows all the acronyms in the most active Facebook groups, or the best place to get wipes on sale? Here are some of the things that moms talk about when they get together with other moms.

Poop Stories

Most people have no idea how many conversations can center around poop until becoming a parent. Especially early on, all kinds of strange things can happen with your baby's poop. It's only natural to take the topic to your mom friends, but most other people would probably rather not hear about it.

School Drama

You might be thinking, "What could possibly be dramatic about your kid going to school?" GIRL. There are teachers, lunch aides, other kids, and that's just the start. Let your kid join a team or a club and suddenly you'll see the real underbelly of school drama. That's all without even taking any parent events or organizations into consideration.

Facebook Groups

Another unexpected aspect of parenting in 2021 is that everything is organized on Facebook, for better or worse. That means a lot of keyboard warriors stirring up drama with people they actually have a chance of encountering in real life. Moms always know the scoop.

Where To Find the Most Comfortable Pants

Moms are always looking for a new pair of comfortable pants. The more kids and the more running around you have to do, the more perfect the pants need to be. If you know where to get the comfortable pants, don't hold out on your mom friends.

Kids Shows

You never wanted to have the 6 a.m. to 10 a.m. block of Nick Jr. or Disney programming memorized, but here you are. Mom friends will lament about that one character they can't stand on Paw Patrol, debate whether Peppa Pig is too rude, and text you the lyrics from that theme song you've been trying to get out of your head.

The Details of Breastfeeding

Breastfeeding and everything that comes along with it can be beautiful, but it's also complicated. The details aren't for everyone, but other moms can more than relate.

Real Family Issues

When there's stuff going down in your family, it can be hard to turn to people who don't have kids. They may not have the same perspective on problems, and granted, that could be true of your mom friends as well. Still, there's something comforting about sharing the big issues with people who have or will encounter them themselves.

Needing Help

For whatever reason, moms are more comfortable opening up to other moms about the help they need or wish they could have. This is good for two reasons. For one, it allows you to get it out there and vent frustrations. Also, moms have a way of working together to help each other out when it counts.