36-Year-Old’s Belly Keeps Expanding & Her Doctors Are Continually Perplexed As To Why

It’s one thing to be pregnant and watch your belly grow in hopes of a baby at the end, but it’s a whole other thing to watch your stomach stretch to an alarming size without any sort of logical medical explanation.

This video shared by Wonderbot on YouTube tells the story of a Chinese woman who has met with numerous health care professionals to try to discover the reason behind her ever-growing 44-pound stomach.

Huang Guoxian, 36, from the Guizhou Province of rural China is a mother of two and has had this unexplained medical condition for over two years. Things have gotten so bad that she has a difficult time walking and sleeping, let alone taking care of her two young children.

With the additional 44 pounds in her abdomen, Huang finds it hard to stand upright for more than 10 minutes at a time. Her 10-year-old son has had to take on a lot of the house chores and responsibilities due to his mother’s ongoing medical hardships.

Huang claims that her stomach was basically flat two years ago, but the growth in her abdomen has become so unbearable that she has to take medication in order to help with the pain. The medication does help with pain control, but it hasn’t seemed to stop the uncontrollable growth.

According to the Daily Mail, Huang has been diagnosed with a number of different medical ailments over the past two years, including ovarian cancer, cirrhosis of the liver, and fluid retention in the chest and stomach.

Doctors are still unsure if any of these conditions are even related to her ever-expanding abdomen though.

To learn more about Huang’s condition and her progress, check out the video.