6 Easy But Life-Changing New Year’s Resolutions That We Endorse

With the start of a new year on the horizon, you might feel that societal pressure start to creep up as others around you decide to make a long list of resolutions that they likely won’t keep up with by the third week of January.

We’re not trying to be pessimistic here, but sometimes we can fall prey to trying to stick to or even come up with these lofty New Year's resolutions that don’t actually make sense for our everyday lives.

So why not try to incorporate some really simple new habits for the new year that will not only make your day-to-day life better but also be easily achievable and allow you to feel supremely accomplished?

Here are six easy but life-changing New Year's resolutions that will only make your life better.

Make your bed when you get up each morning.

If you’re someone who enjoys ticking items off their to-do list each day, then you’re likely going to love the tingly feeling of accomplishment you get from waking up each morning and making your bed.

Not only does a nicely made bed allow your bedroom to immediately look 85% cleaner and more put together, but it’s also a great way of getting the ball rolling in the morning as you start off the day by thinking of the "future you" who appreciates a well-made and comfy bed.

You’re starting out your day by accomplishing one little task that takes only about three minutes at the most, and it can very well propel your mindset and productivity into full swing for the rest of the day.

Don’t overbook yourself — leave room for spontaneity.


Especially when you’re a busy parent who is juggling not only your own schedule but also your kids' and partner’s calendars, you might find yourself completely overextending your schedule on a weekly basis.

A vital habit to take into the new year that will give you more free time to just breathe and appreciate those impromptu but super-fun moments with friends and family is to not overbook yourself.

You don’t have to say no to every social event and party that comes up, but when you’re feeling like your social meter is tipping way over, don’t be afraid to say no to some things. Not only will this allow you to step back and evaluate what you really enjoy doing versus what you feel obligated to do, but the extra free time will allow some of that stress to just melt away.

Charge your phone in another room and allow your bedroom to be a sleep space.

Are you someone who enjoys lying in bed watching an hour of TikTok or YouTube videos before going to sleep? As much as the mindless activity can seem totally harmless, you may actually be severely delaying your internal clock and convincing your mind and body that all you need is six hours of sleep when you really need eight to feel totally rested.

Not only does putting your phone to charge in another room at the end of each day reduce blue light exposure that can overly stimulate our brains, but if your phone is not physically there, you may also find yourself reaching for a book more, which can help you get ready for sleep in a more natural way.

Plus, you won’t find yourself doing that awful comparison thing that can happen in the wee hours of the night when you’ve watched 20 kitchen organization videos and find yourself comparing your habits and home space to that of an irrelevant stranger.

Every single day, do something that brings you joy and makes you smile.


There can be so many stressors in everyday life that oftentimes you need to force yourself to slow down and be fully present in order to experience those things that bring you happiness and inner peace.

Maybe you only have the time and space to sit down for 20 minutes with a really good cup of coffee and a book. Or you’ve finally decided to try pottery at home with a new mini pottery wheel to make your own clay pots. Or maybe you want to take up jewelry making with the kids and give your bracelets and necklaces away as gifts to friends.

Whatever activity you choose, big or small, just make sure that you’re doing it because you enjoy it, and don’t allow any guilt or shame into your mind as you venture down creative and joyful paths.

Write a to-do list for the next day at the end of your workday.


Do you ever find yourself going to bed at night and just lying there as a long list of your upcoming schedule and everything you need to accomplish in the next week runs through your mind?

If you’re someone who wakes up in the morning and writes their to-do list for the day or checks things off on their phone as they go, it would likely be beneficial to pause at the end of each day and write down everything you need to do the next.

Not only are you doing a sort of physical “mind dump,” but it will allow you to properly switch gears and change from work or worry mode into relaxation mode. Plus, when you wake up and start your day each morning, you immediately have something to look to when it comes to productivity, and everything that might have sent you spiraling in the middle of the night is already listed and ready to accomplish.

Get outside and move your body every day, even for 15 minutes.

Sporty young woman drinking water while exercising at the park

During hectic periods of our lives, it can feel like a real task to get in physical exercise every single day. The thing to remember, though, when you want to skip out on your mental health walk is that your body and mind will thank you if you make even the smallest commitment to routine movement.

Firstly, if you’re someone who spends their entire day sitting at a desk and staring at a screen, why not take one or two 15-minute breaks per day to get outside and walk around the block? Not only will your muscles and joints not feel so stiff, but it can be a great way to break up the workday.

Or you know those days when you send your kids outside to get some fresh air and run around? Tag along with them. Grab your coat and a good pair of shoes and just go outside and get a little crazy with the kids. You’d be surprised how good it feels for both the body and soul to just be a kid again and let loose playing tag or hide-and-seek.