Teen’s TikTok Account Taken Down For Showing ‘Gruesome Content’

Whenever you are feeling down on yourself, especially when it comes to your physical appearance, the worst thing that can happen is a social media platform bullying you.

Insider shared a story about Eva Grant, a 16-year-old from York, England, who got her TikTok channel taken down after the platform labeled her content as "gruesome." When you hear the word gruesome, acne isn’t the first thing that pops into your head, but Eva’s acne is what apparently breached TikTok’s community guidelines.

Eva said that her posts on her page, "porefection," were only about her skin and didn’t break any of TikTok’s other rules. She even made sure to double-check them with her mom before posting them.

Curious as to why this happened, Eva emailed TikTok asking about the reasoning behind her account being taken down, and she has yet to receive a response. This didn’t stop her from making another account, though. Her new account, "porefectionx," is still up and running.

Eva spoke with BBC Radio in York about the incident, and when BBC contacted TikTok, the social media platform finally had a response, saying that it was a mistake taking down Eva’s account.

Eva used her account to spread the love for body positivity as well as post videos of her natural skin to prove to her followers that not everyone is perfect, and it’s OK to feel comfortable in your skin.

In her interview with Insider, she said, “It used to get me down, I couldn’t go anywhere without makeup. I completely changed and now my focus is your acne is what makes you different, and what makes you different is beautiful.”

Eva started entering beauty pageants to help build her confidence. As of now, she holds the title of Miss Teen York Galaxy. Eva claims that pageants nowadays are more welcoming and focus less on every contestant being perfect. Instead, they focus more on who the contestants are as people.

Eva seems to have a very good outlook on life, and I applaud her for handling this whole situation in such a mature way.

Check out Eva's body positive messages through her TikTok videos above!