Divorced Woman Wants Refund From Wedding Photographer 4 Years Later: ‘We Don’t Need Them’

Anyone who has ever worked in customer service knows people can be awful and entitled. When you own your own business, it gets messy, because there is no one else to pass off the mean customer to. One wedding photographer recently shared his former client’s entitled request on Twitter, which has since gone viral.

Lance Romeo shot a wedding back in 2019. Four years later, the bride reached out to him to ask for a refund. She argued that since she was now divorced, she no longer needed the photos. She clearly does not understand how this process works, which didn’t stop her from threatening the photographer with her lawyer.

The 2019 wedding took place in the city of Durban, which is on the coast of South Africa. Lance shared screenshots of his Whatsapp conversation with the now-divorced woman who’s identity is unknown at this time.

“I swear my life is a movie ….you can't make this stuff up,” his initial tweet read.

In a follow-up video, Lance revealed he was not too surprised that the couple was no longer together. He caught the groom grabbing the thigh of a bridesmaid on the big day in a picture. The groom noticed and asked him to delete it.

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Lance also revealed he initially thought the woman was going to ask for his photography services again. He also thought maybe she was hitting on him. He was not prepared for what she really wanted.

After public pleasantries were exchanged, the woman got to the point. “Well I’m now divorced and those pictures I and my ex husband don’t need them anymore,” she wrote.

She at least made sure to compliment his work before making her absurd request. “You did a wonderful job on them but they went to waste as we are now divorced, I will need a refund of the amount we paid you because we don’t need them anymore,” she went on to say.

Lance could not believe what this woman was asking for. He thought she must be joking. “I’ve already delivered to you the service and the pictures,” Lance explained. “I can’t refund you because I can’t untake the pictures. Take care now.” He tried to end the conversation politely, but the woman kept at it, threatening legal action. They finally concluded their conversation agreeing to let lawyers handle it.

Lance’s posts quickly went viral. The ex-husband even reached out to him and apologized on the behalf of his ex-wife. Lance is now updating his contract to have a no-refund policy. Lance also said that a lawyer representing the woman did contact him, but even they could not take their client’s claims seriously.

Many on social media chimed in their support for Lance.

“Wonder if she wants refunds for all services rendered for the wedding. ..catering,venue, etc.” mused one Twitter user.

“Is she also going to give back all the gifts /presents she received on her wedding day?” pondered another.

“I like your calmness in all of this,” one commenter said.

This story seems to be continuing. The divorced woman contacted Lance again, but this time wanted to hire him for a divorce shoot. Time will tell if Lance agrees.