Man Discovers His Neighbor Living In Car Because Her House Had Been Overtaken With Garbage

The thing to remember about those in our community whom we might not know very well is that most of them are just ordinary people who could benefit from our compassion and empathy, not judgment.

This video shared by Wonderbot tells the story of two neighbors who didn’t really know each other very well, but in the end, they came out of things with a unique friendship.

Kevin didn’t really know what to think when he noticed his neighbor from across the street, Ruth, sleeping in her car every single night. He did his best to pop over from time to time to check in and see if she was doing OK. He was soon able to piece together why this retired woman with her own home was continually sleeping in her car.

Upon closer look, Ruth’s house appeared to be severely neglected and in very rough shape. Even though he couldn’t see directly into the house, it was easy to get a sense from the yard, dilapidated roof, and broken windows that it was in dire need of some care.

One day Kevin heard Ruth crying from inside her vehicle, and he immediately went to her and asked if there was anything he could do to help. As it happened, Ruth had made the decision to gather all of her important personal belongings and leave her home, but she was missing a photo of her parents that had become a special keepsake.

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When Ruth seemed too overwhelmed and scared to even step foot inside her home, Kevin volunteered to make his way in to locate the photo for Ruth.

What Kevin came face-to-face with on his way into the house was very troubling. It was nothing but piles and piles of garbage that had begun to develop a pungent smell.

To learn about everything that Kevin found in that house, along with how it caught fire and why the firefighters let it all burn, watch the video.