Shannon Bird lives in Utah with her husband and their five young kids, including their, at the time of thi story, 6-week-old daughter. Shannon typically breastfeeds but recently found herself in a major crisis.
At 2:12 a.m., her baby started screaming in hunger. For some reason, she just couldn't produce any milk at the time.
She realized she had no formula in the house and no way of getting to the store to buy it; her husband was out of town and all her kids were sound asleep.
Shannon started calling neighbors, friends, and family, but no one was awake to answer her call.
Scared and panicked, Shannon made the decision to call 911 with a desperate plea the local police officers had never heard before.
"I’ve been calling neighbors and no one will answer," she told the 911 operator. "I’ve never been in this predicament ever. My milk just literally dried out. This is my fifth kid and this has never happened."
Police officer Brett Wagstaff answered the call with his fellow officers. He went to the store in the middle of the night, bought a gallon of milk, and brought it to Shannon's home. But her baby needed infant formula instead.
This story originally appeared on LittleThings in February, 2020.
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At this point, Shannon assumed the officers could keep an eye on her home while she went to find formula.
She never expected what came next, all in the name of helping a mother in need.