Man Plans To Leave Home And Shop To 19-Year-Old Employee — Not His Siblings

Getting older and facing health issues is a lot to deal with — add family drama and difficult decisions to that, and you might find yourself on Reddit seeking advice. One 77-year-old man took to the social media site to see how Redditors felt about him giving his property to a young woman who works at the cafe that he owns instead of giving it to his siblings.

He explained that he is working on his will and he has four younger siblings. He is not close with his siblings because of "big differences in values," but over the past few years, his siblings have been discussing what to do with his property after he dies.

The man owns a cafe (and the whole building it's in).

The man explained that he owns a small cafe and lives in an apartment above it, which he also owns. He actually owns the whole property. He has never been married and doesn't have children.

He says he hired one part-time employee a few years ago.

Before hiring the part-time employee, Lea, to help out at the cafe a few years ago, he did everything by himself. Lea was 16 when she started working there and is now 19. He noted that Lea is a great employee.

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He wants to leave the property to Lea.

"Because my bond with Lea is much better than my bond with my siblings, I intend to leave the cafe, the apartment and the ground to her when I pass," he wrote in his post. He trusts her to take care of his cafe and he thinks giving her a place to live would help her out. He added that Lea calls him her "bonus-grandpa."

He doesn't think his siblings will take the news too well.

Because his siblings have already discussed renting the apartment out, letting their grandkids use the property, or selling it to make extra money, he doesn't think they'll be too pleased to find out that he actually left the property to someone else.

He wants to know what Redditors think about it.

Though he seems to have made up his mind already, he wanted to ask Redditors about the situation.

People tell him to make sure Lea is protected.

A lot of Reddit users agreed that it makes sense to give the property to Lea, but they were also concerned about Lea and the backlash she might face.

"You must assign like a few people, a team to assist Lea with the law, the protection and anything that relates," one Redditor wrote, also adding that the man has "a golden heart." "People could be awful, and especially when it comes to property as big as yours, anyone can harm a girl like Lea for their own profit."

Another user agreed and was worried about how the man's siblings might treat Lea once they find out that the property they assumed would go to them has been given to someone else.

They think Lea seems to deserve the property more than the man's siblings.

Several people pointed out that the man's siblings sound awful considering how they are not even close with the man but have been discussing what to do with his property when he dies.

One person commented: "Your siblings sound like vultures. Your employee sounds like a friend who cares. I think you know what feels right for you."

Another added that the siblings are "presumptuous" because the man doesn't necessarily have to give the property to his family. "This young lady will be so blessed," the Redditor wrote. "It's your stuff, leave it to whoever you want. No one in your family is entitled to a penny."

They agree that it's his decision and no one else's.

Who the man gives his property to is completely up to him, many agreed.

"Your cafe, your building your desire to leave whatever you want to who you want," one person wrote.

"It is your building, your business, and 100% your choice," another commented.


But, the same Reddit user added, it's something that he should probably communicate about in advance. The Redditor suggested talking to Lea first because inheriting the property will impact her life. "I think she should know what you're planning. It will also likely mean a huge amount to her to know how truly you feel she is your family," the Redditor wrote.

Another had the same idea: "Does Lea know of your idea ? she may have other plans and not be up for a fight with your family." Some pointed out that Lea will be gaining a lot but it will also create work for her and she should be prepared.

One Redditor suggested talking to the siblings, too.

"If they get blindsided after you're gone, they will take it out on (Lea)," the Redditor pointed out. "Don't make her bear the brunt of their ire. Make your wishes known and answer their questions while you're alive."

These stories are based on posts found on Reddit. Reddit is a user-generated social news aggregation, web content rating, and discussion website where registered members submit content to the site and can up- or down-vote the content. The accuracy and authenticity of each story cannot be confirmed by our staff.