Jessica Gary was walking her beloved 15-year-old Chihuahua, Fidel, when her world came crashing down right in front of her own two eyes.
It all started when she and Fidel were strolling through a Brooklyn park during off-leash hours on a sunny Saturday afternoon.
All of a sudden, completely out of nowhere, Jessica heard Fidel let out one frightened yelp. The second she turned around, Fidel was gone and nowhere to be found.
Someone had just stolen the small senior dog right from under her nose, and she never even saw the thief's face.
Jessica was in shambles. Her friends immediately rallied around her and put out a call for help. They taped posters to poles and trees all around the park, took to social media, and offered a reward for Fidel's safe return. Making matters even more stressful was Fidel's old age and the fact he requires his daily dose of medication.
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Jessica and her friends spent the next two days frantically driving through the streets of Brooklyn hoping for a miracle sighting.
Meanwhile, the story of the stolen senior dog was going viral, which worked in Jessica's favor.
She received a tip about a possible Fidel sighting and rushed over to the location.
Lo and behold, Jessica and her friend spotted a couple walking Fidel! She couldn't believe it. Now all she had to do was get him back …