Little Boy Didn’t Have Pajamas For PJ Day At School, So Hero Bus Driver Steps In

One bus driver stepped up and changed the life of one of his students after noticing he was having a rough morning. Larry Farrish Jr's act of kindness is now being praised by people all over the world after he came to the rescue for Levi, a first grader at Engelhard Elementary School in Louisville, Kentucky. “Normally when I pull up, he’s standing there waiting for me with a big smile, but on this day, he was sitting on the ground with a jacket over his head,” the 35-year-old driver said in an interview with “I asked him, ‘Hey buddy, what’s going on? What’s wrong?’”

The crying student replied that he didn't have any pj's for Pajama Day at their school. He climbed onto the bus and sat away from his friends, making the driver realize how upset he was that he couldn't participate. "I thought, 'I gotta fix this.'"

Once Larry finished up his route, he made his way to a Family Dollar where he bought the boy two pairs of pajamas. After that, he headed back to the school to surprise the student.

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“I said, 'You were hurting this morning, you were crying, so I got you these pajamas,'” the driver said. “He was so excited — you should’ve seen how his face lit up.” One small action of kindness ended up turning the student's entire day around.

“I can tell Mr. Larry is nice and his heart is filled with joy,” Levi said. “When he got me the pajamas, I did a happy cry.” But this isn't a random act for Larry. Many in the community says that he is known for going above and beyond for others.

Previously working as a correctional officer and truck driver, he says that now he’s found his calling. “I’ve been driving buses for seven years. It’s my passion because I get to build bonds with the children,” he shared. “I truly love every minute of it.”

Under the Facebook post made by Jefferson County Public Schools, other people began sharing their own stories of the driver.

"Mr Larry is the absolute best," one parent commented. "We were blessed with him as our bus driver for 4 years. Top notch human."

Other people continued to comment on the story.

"What a loving heart!!" someone wrote.

"I just read this online! How wonderful!!" another person commented. "You are truly a blessing bus driver, Mr Larry and the little guy looked so happy!"

Larry's action has gone viral and served as a reminder that good people still exist in this world. Not only did he touch one boy's heart, he touched an entire community!