Woman Gets Drunk, Falls Asleep Next To Her Guinea Pig, And Ends Up With Brand-New Haircut

A woman with a very bizarre and pretty gross habit just learned her lesson in a terrible way. Gara Sullivan is a permanent makeup artist who posted on TikTok about what happened one night when she got drunk and slept with her guinea pig.

Yup. You read that right. But shake off the icky feeling and keep reading, because it gets even more cringe.

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Apparently, it's something that she enjoys doing on the regular. But after what happened on one fateful night, we're guessing she's going to start leaving the rodent in the rodent cage, where it belongs.

In her cringe-worthy post, she detailed the very weird incident. "So sometimes when I'm drunk I like to get my naked guinea pig out and sleep with her on the floor lol I know crazy," she began the post. Mmm-hmm. Mmm-hmm. Yes, definitely.

"So on thanksgiving day I wake up to pee and catch a glimpse of myself in the mirror," she continued. But what she saw took her by surprise. "THIS CHICK DONE ATE MY BANGS OFF," she wrote.

In the video, Gara holds up the little frayed pieces of her bangs to the camera. You can clearly see the result of all that nighttime snacking. It's so incredibly strange, but it's also not really that shocking, because guinea pigs will eat literally anything you put in front of them. In fact, hay is their all-time favorite thing, and hair looks kind of a lot like hay.

Some people in the comments called the little muncher Gara's "midnight barber," which is a pretty good joke. Even Gara found the humor in the whole situation. She posted a series of follow-up videos, one of which shows her guinea's furiously nibbling little mouth with the text, "My bangs point of view." LOL.

It's still very, very bizarre and also very gross. No one should ever sleep with their guinea pigs. They are cute yet filthy. They poop pretty much nonstop. And no, they don't come with a manual, so guinea pig owners are left to sort out these matters on their own, but hopefully we can all learn an important lesson about keeping rodents in their cages at bedtime. Because if sleeping with rodent poo is not too much for you, perhaps keeping your bangs intact will be.