Infant Cries Out In Pain & Spinal Tap Shows The Cold Cuts In Fridge Nearly Killed Him

In June 2014, an Iowa mom named Lucinda noticed her 2-week-old son was acting particularly strange and crying nonstop. Lucinda, whose daughter was 2 years old at the time, knew the difference between a "hungry cry" and a cry alerting her to a bigger problem. It wasn't long before baby Ezra's skin was turning red.

When Lucina took Ezra's temperature, it was nearly 102 degrees. She rushed him to the hospital.

Ezra underwent a spinal tap, which revealed he had a serious case of listeria meningitis, an infection of the brain. Lucinda couldn't believe what doctors were telling her.

Babies typically acquire listeria meningitis at the time of delivery from their mother, who typically acquires it from a food she has recently consumed.

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A spinal tap showed that Ezra was stricken with a case of listeria meningitis, a dangerous infection of the brain.

Lucinda was shocked. She thought she had taken all the right steps, just like with her 2-year-old daughter, to ensure a safe and healthy baby.

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Babies typically acquire listeria meningitis at the time of delivery from their mother, who typically acquires it from a food she consumed while pregnant.

So, what caused Ezra's life-threatening illness?