Teen Who Doesn’t Know She’s Pregnant Falls Into Coma And Wakes Up With A Baby

Ebony Stevenson, 18, was living the typical life of a college student. She was primarily focused on her academics and social life.

Starting a family was the last thing on her mind.

One night in December 2018, Ebony went to bed with an agonizing headache. Then the mysterious seizures began.

Ebony's worried mom called paramedics, who arrived and rushed the college student to the hospital. Upon Ebony's arrival, doctors said they had to place her in a medically induced coma.

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Three days later, Ebony awoke to discover the shocking, overwhelming news — that not only had she been pregnant, but she had already given birth…

Twitter / Ebony Stevenson

It wasn't long ago that Ebony Stevenson was just your average 18-year-old college student.

The young woman from Oldham, Greater Manchester, England, was focused on her studies and her social life; starting a family was the last thing on her mind. She didn't even know if she wanted to have kids yet.

One night in December 2018, Ebony went to bed with a splitting headache.

Though she didn't know it at the time, this was the first sign that her life was about to turn upside down.


The headaches persisted and only got worse… and then Ebony began suffering from a bout of seizures.

As soon as Ebony's mother saw how sick her daughter was, she called the paramedics in a panic.

Emergency responders arrived and rushed Ebony to the hospital. While examining her, they noticed a bump starting to emerge from her stomach. They asked if Ebony was pregnant, but her mom said there was no way that was even possible.

Ebony hadn't missed one period, nor had she experienced any type of morning sickness.


Doctors had to place Ebony in a medically induced coma.

They realized her mysterious seizures were the result of preeclampsia — a pregnancy complication that causes high blood pressure and abnormal amounts of protein.

Ebony was indeed pregnant, and she needed an emergency cesarean to deliver the baby.

Her medical team believed her seizures made her unborn baby move and shift, thereby making the baby bump visible to the eye.


Doctors made another baffling discovery.

Ebony also had a previously undiagnosed case of "uterus didelphys," meaning she was born with not one but two uteruses.

The second uterus, which had gone unnoticed her whole life, grew toward her back — and as her baby grew in one uterus, the other uterus continued to menstruate!

This exceptionally rare condition affects about one in 3,000 women.

According to the Independent, "This is thought to explain why her pregnancy was hidden, and she was able to continue having periods despite the developing fetus in her other uterus.

"It also makes Elodie’s birth particularly improbable as only one uterus was connected to an ovary by a fallopian tube, which would in theory lower her chances of conceiving."


Baby Elodie was born on December 3, 2018.

She weighed a healthy 7 lbs., 10 oz.

Meanwhile, Ebony was still in a coma.


Three days later, Ebony awoke to the news that not only had she been pregnant, but she had given birth to a baby girl.

She was so shocked and overwhelmed that she thought the nurses had made a mistake. There was a point she asked the nurses to take the baby away, insisting she wasn't hers to hold.

Ebony's mom explained what happened… and doctors explained that her daughter was a "miracle baby."

Most women with Ebony's condition struggle to conceive or carry to full-term.

It wasn't long until Ebony and Elodie were bonding like mother and daughter.


Ebony held Elodie for the first time as her new reality sank in.


"Although I had no time to prepare, I wouldn't change what has happened for the world," Ebony told SWNS.


With the help of her own mother, Ebony plans to continue her studies in sports physiotherapy while raising her newborn daughter.

Credit: SWNS