A mom breastfeeding her little one noticed her baby's head was getting wet. At first, she thought she was just sweating a lot while nursing. On further inspection, she discovered a lump under her armpit.
Mom Lindsay described the experience in a TikTok video that went viral. The reason? It's more common than you'd think for women to lactate from their armpits. In Lindsay's case, it's happening with both arms, which she has to express to keep from getting painful.
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So how does it happen and why? The Doctors and lactation consultant Priscilla Medina explained that women have auxiliary breast tissue in the area of the armpit.
As a result, women can produce milk in the area. If there's buildup, they can also develop an infection called mastitis. You can also use the milk as long as the area is kept clean and mom uses aluminum-free deodorant.
According to Priscilla, up to 6% of moms experience armpit leakage. There's no known way to stop it.