10 Hilarious Memes About How Moms Get It All Done While Dads Struggle To Keep Up

Moms have a way unlike any other. It's not to take anything away from dads. Dads have their own unique way of parenting that gets the job done.

More often than not, however, moms are getting jobs done, as in multiple, as in roughly a hundred at a time. And that's on a good day.

In many households, mom is the one who keeps the well-oiled machine running and repairs parts when they're on the outs. They can't help but laugh at what it would take others to tackle what they do without another thought. If you're a dad wondering how moms do it all, here are some answers.

More from LittleThings: 9 Dads Who Completely Dominate This Whole ''Parenting'' Thing

We're late ... all the time.

For the dads out there who always wonder why mom's running a little late, this one's for you. Walking a few miles (or leaving the house with a few stops) in those shoes might change your perspective quite a bit.

We don't doubt ourselves.

Moms are octopi at heart, but by body they've still only got two arms! What a dad will take several trips to carry, a mom will try to pack into one, for better or worse. It's all about believing you can do it … and optimally using every finger.

We recognize boundaries.

Moms are pretty good at staying in their lane. They don't infringe on dad things where they can avoid it. Dads, on the other hand, sometimes want to flex the "cool guy" muscle by overstepping, usually to moms' annoyance.

We know our kids act different with different people.

Another "laugh or you'll lose it" fact of parenting is kids always have a blast when they're alone with dad. Moms are used to this, however. Your kid can be a total terror with you at home, but at that time, everyone else in their life will tell you they've been a cherub. Moms know you can't let it get to you.

We cry quite a bit.

Sometimes the difference between tackling what the day has in store and feeling too defeated to even try is stopping for a good cry. Moms can get it all done if everyone can go away long enough for a 5-minute closet sob. It's a weird reset, but don't knock it 'til you try it!

We just keep going.

A mom in motion stays in motion. But sometimes even a mom gets slowed down by an adventurous toddler.

We share with others.

Dads don't seem to open up to each other about the various ups and downs of parenting. Moms love to share. We're made to feel a little better by knowing we aren't alone, whether it's group texting your best mom friends or watching your favorite moms on TikTok.

We don't sweat the small stuff.

Dad's are always obsessing over electricity bills while moms understand that you gotta let some stuff go when you have a gaggle of kiddos.

We stick together.

Moms get through it by banding together. Mom squads are everywhere, but dad gangs? Not quite. Knowing there are so many other wonderful parents being dealt chaotic hands makes you feel better about your own.

But sometimes dads get it right...

And they come through when mom least expects it…