Mom Of 2 Boys Killed By Rebecca Grossman Says Sentencing Was Unfair: ‘A Stab In My Heart’

Rebecca Grossman was sentenced to 15 years to life in prison on June 10, 2024, for the hit-and-run deaths of two children in Los Angeles, but the kids' mom is not satisfied with the sentencing. Speaking with KABC, Nancy Iskander, the mom of Mark, 11, and Jacob, 8, called the sentencing "extremely unfair" because she believes the judge "lumped both boys as if they were one."

Grossman, a wealthy California socialite, was sentenced to two concurrent 15 years-to-life sentences. In February, she was convicted of two counts of second-degree murder, two counts of vehicular manslaughter with gross negligence and one count of hit-and-run driving resulting in death.

In 2020, Grossman hit Mark and Jacob while she was speeding in her car and they were walking in a crosswalk, killing both of them.

The boys' mom doesn't believe that Grossman is truly sorry for killing her children.

Grossman tried to apologize in court, but Iskander doesn't think her apology was genuine.

"As soon as she started talking it was exactly what I expected. It was not real. It was not, 'I'm sorry I killed them.' It was 'I'm sorry for your loss,'" the mom told KABC.

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In court, Grossman said she had "waited for four years to say I'm sorry to [Iskander]."

"If I could just bring Mark and Jacob back, I would give my life. I am so so sorry. I've wanted to talk to you for so long," Grossman said.

But Iskander was not satisfied with the apology.

"When your child dies, you die. I have no doubt: Part of me is dead. And it's dead because of her," she told KABC.

Los Angeles County Sheriff’s Chief Allen Castellano said in a statement after the sentencing that "we hope this justice brings [the family] some measure of comfort."

"This individual showed a complete disregard for the lives and safety of others in our community through her reckless actions, which ultimately shattered a family and robbed two children of their bright futures," Castellano continued in the statement.

Iskander called the sentencing "a stab in my heart" when speaking to KABC.

"If you ask any parent, they will tell you their kids are not the same person. They're different. They have two different personalities," she said to the outlet, explaining why it's unfair for her two boys to be treated as one.

Grossman claims that she was not racing or under the influence when she hit the two boys, NBC Los Angeles reported.

"I am not a murderer," Grossman wrote in a letter to the judge, according to the outlet. "My pain, my recognition of the pain the Iskanders suffer, and the pain I watch my family endure, are punishments that I already suffer and will for the rest of my life."

In the letter, she also claimed that she didn't see the boys crossing the street. "As God is my witness, I did not see anyone or anything in the road. I swear to you, I would have driven my car into a tree to avoid hitting two little boys," she wrote, as per NBC Los Angeles.

Prosecutors said she was driving 73 to 81 mph in a 45 mph and had alcohol and Valium in her system, the outlet reported.