Beloved Mime Fired After Working At SeaWorld For 36 Years: ‘Means Nothing To Them’

A mime who has worked at SeaWorld for 36 years says he was recently fired and is now sharing his side of the story, which he claims the company was not willing to hear. "Lynn the Mime," or Lynn Frey, worked at SeaWorld Orlando for 36 years but recently revealed that he is "no longer at SeaWorld. It was not my decision. It was theirs."

He was allegedly fired due to a conflict with a security guard, according to a video he shared on TikTok. He said that one morning, he drove into work then took his bike off his bike rack, like he did "every day."

He took his bike to get through the security checkpoint, he explained, and he saw several security guards that he had seen on multiple occasions. He greeted them by saying, "Good morning."

He then rode away. But as he was riding away, he heard someone shout, "Hey, come here!" Lynn said he went over to the security guard, not knowing what the guard wanted. Once he was in front of the guard who called him, the guard told him that he was not allowed to ride his bike there.

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This was surprising to Lynn, as he has been riding his bike there every day for years. "I went, 'What?'" Lynn explained in the video. "He said, 'You're not allowed to ride your bike in this park.'"

He told the security guard that he understood what the guard was saying: that riding his bike in the park was not allowed. But he didn't understand why he suddenly wasn't allowed to ride it, so he told him that.

"'You’re not allowed,' to me, is not an answer," Lynn explained. "That’s just him telling me I’m not allowed." Lynn wanted to know why and wanted to see the policy in writing.

Wondering what he should do next, he asked the security guard what he should do with his bike if he was not allowed to ride it. The security guard allegedly told him to park it at a bike rack. Normally, in the past, Lynn would park his bike in his dressing room, he explained.

Lynn said as he was walking away from the security guard, he said something like, "Give some guy some sergeant bars and it goes to his head."

The guard allegedly reported Lynn to HR, saying that he "cussed at him," threw his bike, and threatened that he would "get him fired."

Lynn denies the allegations against him. "I don't cuss at people," he said. "I don't have that in me."

Lynn also alleges that he was never contacted by HR and never asked to explain his side of the story. Instead, he was informed of this issue by his boss, who is contracted by SeaWorld. His boss reportedly told him that he is no longer allowed at SeaWorld. His request to perform at SeaWorld one last time was allegedly denied.

Lynn claims that the conflict between him and the security guard was not actually that heated, but it doesn't matter — he's reportedly not allowed to return.

"SeaWorld never let me say my side of the story," he said. "Thirty-six years at SeaWorld and evidently, it means nothing to them."

Many fans of Lynn the Mime were outraged after hearing his side of the story on TikTok.

"We won't be back," one fan wrote on TikTok. "justice for lynn the mime!!"