Newlywed On A Budget Asks Someone To Give Up Premium Seat For His Wife Sitting In The Back

Booking and planning a trip can be a stressful experience. It's also not cheap, so cutting costs where you can makes sense. But one couple might've taken it a bit too far. On Reddit, a traveler alleged that the man sitting next to him in premium economy wanted a free upgrade for his wife, who was sitting in the back of the plane in economy.

The couple just tied the knot, the Redditor explained, and they were traveling together on their honeymoon. Understandably, they wanted to sit next to each other, but the Redditor was annoyed that the honeymooner essentially expected them to give up a premium seat for free.

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The traveler didn't want to switch seats with the man's wife.


The Redditor explained that they didn't want to give up their premium economy seat since they paid more for a comfortable seat for a reason: The flight they were on lasts about 14 hours (Melbourne to Dubai). "I want to be comfortable," the Redditor explained.

However, the person sitting next to them had been upgraded, and wanted to sit with his wife.

"I congratulated him on his nuptials and asked where his wife was sitting. He pointed towards the back of the plane. In economy," the Redditor wrote. "I declined to switch seats."

The traveler offered to exchange seats for a price though.

To be fair, the traveler was not totally opposed to switching seats even though it would've been a downgrade. "I offered to switch if he paid the difference between the seats," the traveler explained, adding that they "had been lucky to get (the ticket) at a decent price."

"It would only have cost him $1,000 AU$ ($654.16 USD)," they said.

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The honeymooner didn't take it well.

The honeymooner said that he was traveling on a budget, so he didn't want to pay for the upgrade. Fair. "He said that they were on a budget for their honeymoon," the traveler explained. "I congratulated once again and put in my earbuds."

This is where the situation escalated. The traveler alleges that the honeymooner "muttered that I was an a–hole."

"I said he was a p—- for taking the upgrade instead of either sitting with his wife or giving it to her," the Redditor wrote.

What did others think?

The Redditor's wife didn't agree with him — "she thinks I should have done the nice thing" — so they asked other Redditors to weigh in.

Redditors were largely unimpressed by the honeymooner who took the upgrade and left his wife in economy.

"He's on his honeymoon and took an upgrade leaving his brand new wife in economy on a 14 hour flight? And expects you, a complete stranger, to give up your paid for upgrade? Wow. I think we just found spouse of the year," one person commented.

Many Redditors pointed out that the honeymooner had options, but wouldn't settle for anything other than a free upgrade.

"If he wants to sit next to his wife, why wouldn't he give up his premium seat to the person sitting next to his wife in economy?" another Redditor wrote. "I am sure that switch is very favorable and he gets to be next to her the whole flight. He chose not to do that."


"The dude can only sit next to his wife in premium economy?" the Redditor continued. "Can't go to economy with her, if he wants it that bad? Sounds like he has priorities."

"He had options," another person pointed out. "He could have either refused the upgrade, paid the price difference you offered, or swapped seats with his wife."

These stories are based on posts found on Reddit. Reddit is a user-generated social news aggregation, web content rating, and discussion website where registered members submit content to the site and can up- or down-vote the content. The accuracy and authenticity of each story cannot be confirmed by our staff.