Wife Upset After Husband Takes Business Class Upgrade By Himself At Start Of Honeymoon

We all know our honeymoon is supposed to be one of the best times of our lives — soaking up the sun on a beach somewhere, sipping drinks, and celebrating the new union with our love — but for one newlywed bride, it became a moment of pure frustration. A Reddit user posted that her new husband took her business class upgrade and left her alone to sit in economy on the flight to their honeymoon destination. Come again, say what?! Yeah, you heard right. The new bride was just as appalled as you probably are reading this right now.

"I [33F] recently married my husband [30M] and we took a 3 hour flight to Mexico for our honeymoon," the post began. "I fly a lot for my job, so I have racked up a lot of miles. My husband isn’t a big fan of flying, though he has gotten better and tends to just hold my hand and close his eyes during take off and landing (mostly okay when in the air). When I booked our flights I requested to use my points if an upgrade to business class became available, but made it clear I only wanted this upgrade if two seats became available and then basically forgot about it."

Well, come the day of their flight, everything is going well until the couple goes to board. "She says it seems that my husband was upgraded to business class, but ONLY him and asks if that is okay. I immediately say no, we are on our honeymoon and would like to stay together. But then my husband jumps in and says, 'No it’s fine, I’ll go to business class!' I look at him in complete shock and he tells me that I fly all the time and have been in business class before, but he hasn’t. So he deserves a chance to experience it."

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Due to the couple holding up the line, the wife eventually just agrees to let her husband take the business class seat. "To say I am pissed off is an understatement. He is all smiles, taking his seat and I go back to my seat where they sit me next to an old woman with a baby on her lap where my husband should be sitting," the wife wrote.


The woman describes herself holding back tears because her husband left her alone on their honeymoon flight. She says he eventually starts texting him about his anxiety around flying, but she ignores the texts and doesn't reply.

"Within maybe an hour after we are in the air, he comes to the back of the plane to find me, offers me half of his business class breakfast and asks me why I was ignoring him — that he was scared and needed me to tell him it’d be okay since I am such an experienced flyer." This is real life, guys!

"I told him maybe he should have thought about that before leaving me alone before our honeymoon even really began. He gets angry, tells me that this may be the only time he gets to fly business class and he was giving me half his breakfast to make up for it so I could at least be supportive of his genuine fear. I roll my eyes, sarcastically say 'thanks' and he goes back up to his seat." Upon landing, the woman tried to forget about it and enjoy their vacation, but says her husband "guilt-tripped" her about not comforting him through text before take off.

"INFO: Is everything always about him?" oner user asked, to which the wife replied, "He grew up poor and has this mindset of always wanting to have more things, more money, etc. I grew up middle class, but had awesome parents that made sure I got the opportunities that they didn’t. I think he has a very 'FOMO' mindset and thinks he deserves to experience things as an adult because he had so little growing up. We just have very different ways of looking at things — I care enjoying what I do for work and don’t care about salary and promotions, he wants to make all the money and get all the promotions no matter what."

"NTA. It was selfish and childish of your husband to take the business class seat when you made it clear you wanted to sit together, it's your honeymoon after all," another person said. "It's even more childish of him to need you to virtually hold his hand during the flight — if he needed that reassurance, he could have sat with you!"

These stories are based on posts found on Reddit. Reddit is a user-generated social news aggregation, web content rating, and discussion website where registered members submit content to the site and can up- or down-vote the content. The accuracy and authenticity of each story cannot be confirmed by our staff.