13 Bizarre Beauty Gadgets From The Past That People Actually Used

I will be the first to admit; I've been a sucker for some pretty strange "beauty secrets" in my life that were basically just throwing money down the drain.

We all want to look our best, but putting in the hard work to achieve that can sometimes be too frustrating, suddenly finding ourselves duped by the promise of a quick fix.

But outside of your average curling iron, or perhaps an exfoliating face scrubber, it's best to keep your money in your wallet. In fact, after looking at some of the bizarre and downright frightening things inventors have come up with in the past, I think I'm going to start embracing the all-natural look.

Not only are these vintage beauty gadgets baffling to look at, but several of them also seem like they were pretty painful to endure. Something as commonplace as a perm back then would have been enough to send me running from the salon!

Did we miss any odd beauty devices you remember from the past? Let us know in the comments and be sure to SHARE with your friends.

1. Perm Machine

Wikimedia Commons

I've had some pretty painful perms in my time, but nothing quite as terrifying as this technique.

2. Beauty Micrometer

Imgur / dake

This device, invented by a Hollywood makeup artist, was meant to pinpoint all your most important makeup needs — but I think it just gave the ladies nightmares.

3. Hangover Face Refresher

Flickr / x-ray delta one

This contraption was initially meant to help keep actresses cool on hot sets, but also saw a lot of action the day after big Hollywood shindigs.

4. Heat Mask

Imgur / epicnesshunter

On the other side of the coin, this mask was meant to be connected to your furnace to warm up your face and stimulate circulation.

5. Glamour Bonnet

Flickr / Tengrain

This claimed to improve your complexion by vacuuming out the air pressure and somehow not suffocate the one wearing it.

6. Vacuum Spot Treatment

Imgur / epicnesshunter

Unlike the glamour bonnet, this device only focused its suction on particular sections of your face at a time.

7. Rejuvenique Electric Facial Mask

YouTube / Infomercial Hell

In what looks like a design taken straight from Friday the 13th, this gadget from 30 to 40 years ago essentially vibrated your face in order to ward off wrinkles.

8. Thermocap

Pinterest / Heritage Forensics

Even guys worry about their looks, and this metal hat claimed to revitalize lost hair follicles.

9. Huge Hairdryers

Imgur / epicnesshunter

This definitely wouldn't fit in your luggage back in the day, but you can't deny it got the job done.

10. Helena Rubinstein Face Mask

Imgur / epicnesshunter

The famous cosmetologist treated her clients with what I can only really describe as a "face bra."

11. Trados Nose Shaper

Pinterest / Weird Universe

I think regular rhinoplasty would be much less uncomfortable than inflicting yourself with this nose restriction.

12. Facial Flex

YouTube / Yuye1745

According to the woman in this throwback infomercial, opening and closing your mouth with this would be just as beneficial as a facelift, but I can't say I'm convinced.

13. Freckle-Proof Cape

Imgur / epicnesshunter

Before sunscreen was invented, this was the best option beach bums could come up with for keeping their alabaster skin from burning under the rays.

Did we miss a crazy device you remember from the past? Let us know below and be sure to SHARE with your friends!