Our country's younger generations seem to think they're much smarter than the people who paved the way and came before them. It's hard for a lot of these younger kids to realize that people actually existed before them, but after enough time they'll finally begin to realize that there are some things in life better than a smartphone and video games!
This young girl has a pretty great relationship with her father. So much so that she's comfortable enough with him to try out a pretty hilarious prank. The prank itself is simple enough: You get a full water bottle, pretend you're doing a magic trick, get the person being pranked to look into the water bottle, and then you squeeze the bottle, which sends all the water right into their face when they least expect it!
Even though she thinks her father is old and gullible, it turns out he's well aware of the prank since he's seen it on the internet. This man's poker face is absolutely incredible! He could make millions in Las Vegas! Looking at him, you'd never think he knows what's coming, but when his daughter tells him to look into the bottle, he reacts in a way that she was not expecting!
This dad is proof that being older doesn't mean you can't be quick-thinking and smart! He is not dumb in any way, shape, or form! This dad got his young daughter in the funniest way possible!
Her reaction is hilarious to watch, and we're so happy that this father and daughter have such a great relationship. We bet these two have some pretty fun times together.
Please SHARE this hilarious video if you love this father and daughter duo!