Cops Discover Two Frightened Pit Bulls In The Middle Of The Road, Then Realize They’re All Alone

Most pet owners could never imagine leaving their cats or dog or other animals out in the streets to die, and it comes at a shock whenever we see these animals abandoned without any food, water, shelter, and love.

So in October, when Deputies Reed and Boggs came across two scared pit bulls in the middle of the road at a busy intersection, they knew they couldn't just leave them there.

The two officers went beyond the call of duty and waited with the frightened pups until Orange County Animal Services arrived.

One of the dogs had an injured paw and was bleeding profusely, so the officers took the time to carefully wrap the paw in gauze to stop the bleeding. The pups immediately warmed up to them, knowing that they were in the right hands.

Finally, the two lovable dogs were taken in by animal services, treated, and given a warm bed. Now, they look happy and healthy, are off the streets, and have made new friends!

Warning: Some images may be considered too graphic for some readers.

Facebook / Orange County Sheriff's Office, Florida

"Our deputies serve and protect the most vulnerable in our society, and often that includes animals."

Facebook / Orange County Sheriff's Office, Florida

"Early Thursday morning, two Squad 10 deputies from Sector 4 came upon two sweet-natured pitbulls — one had been injured and they both were scared."

Facebook / Orange County Sheriff's Office, Florida

"The dogs were discovered in the middle of the road near South Orange and Oakridge Avenues.
A citizen sent us pictures of Deputy Boggs and Deputy Reed comforting the frightened dogs."

Facebook / Orange County Animal Services

"Writes Adam:
'The deputies stood by with the dogs until Animal Services arrived and they even applied gauze to the injured dog's leg to stop the heavy bleeding.'"

Facebook / Orange County Animal Services

"These pictures I took depict a loving nature from our deputies and will tug at any animal lover's heart strings. Thank you."

Facebook / Orange County Animal Services

"The dogs are now at Orange County Animal Services where they are comfortable and being cared for.
Well done, Deputy Reed and Deputy Boggs."

Please SHARE if you're glad this adorable pups could be saved before it was too late!