Animals are so easy to love. Unfortunately, some people take their love way too far, even though their intentions are good.
According to WLOX, deputies served a search warrant on the home of a 72-year-old woman. When they entered, they found an unbelievable sight. There were items piled everywhere and the deputies had to use flashlights just to look around.
That was when they discovered a black-and-white cat as the camera recorded it all. But that was only the beginning.
The team ended up recovering 11 cats, one dog and one dead cat from the house. They stated that that 72-year-old woman allegedly hoarded these animals, and that she had actually worked for an animal-rescue group in the past.
"Her heart's in the right place and I'm sure she means well, but in these cases, life just gets away," Sgt. Joaquin Enriquez explains in a video posted on January 10, 2017.
The elderly woman clearly had a lot of love for animals, but she wasn't providing them with proper living conditions, which put them in danger of dying. Because of her choices, she may face legal actions.
In the end, the deputies were able to rescue the animals from a constricted situation, providing them with a chance to live better lives.
To take a peek at what the deputies saw inside the hoarding house, check out the video below!
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