Boy Scout Hears A Voice Crying ‘Help,’ Then Sees Elderly Neighbor Frozen On The Porch

One of the most exciting parts about many people's childhoods is joining the Girl or Boy Scouts. Thanks to these organizations, kids are able to learn teamwork, leadership, and survival skills.

Before entering adulthood, these children seem to be prepared to encounter any kind of situation and have the knowledge that allows them to stay calm in emergency situations. This was certainly the case of Brendan Zentner.

The 12-year-old Boy Scout and a friend were walking home from the bus stop when they heard a voice crying out for help.

A short search revealed the source of the voice: Brendan's neighbor, an elderly woman, was lying on the front porch and seemed to be suffering from hypothermia.

Brendan guessed that she had fallen, so he quickly jumped into action. He remembered his training and calmly put his coat over her. He then went inside the house while his friend kept the elderly woman company.

Inside, he noticed that the stove was on, so he turned it off and searched for a blanket. He returned outside and told his neighbor not to move while he called 911.

An ambulance promptly arrived and took the thankful woman to the hospital. She's expected to recover from the ordeal — and it's all thanks to Brendan and his know-how!

Please SHARE if you were in the Girl or Boy Scouts and remember everything you were taught!