The Lomax family was sound asleep when their 2-year-old shepherd and pit bull mix named Jack noticed something strange was happening. Flames broke out in the back bedroom of their Philadelphia home.
Jack woke up and began licking his humans' faces. They woke up to the fire and were able to escape in time. The ravenous fire could have taken the family who had five children and four adults in the home at the time of the fire. Everyone was unharmed, including Jack.
"It was about 3:30 in the morning. OK, I was getting ready to go to sleep, and I heard this loud screaming in the house, saying, 'Get up, get up. Get up, get up. Everybody get out,' " said Aubrey Lomax Jr., the homeowner.
It was in Aubrey's 2-year-old granddaughter's bedroom that Jack began to alert the family. Her mother, Ashley DePasquale, was sleeping in the room with her.
"I was laying down and he started getting really antsy, and he was just like not having me laying down, he was trying to warn me. The bed caught on fire and I had to run out to get help with my daughter still in the room, and the dog was on the bed protecting my daughter from the flames," said Ashley DePasquale, fire victim.
Jennifer Leary with Red Paw Relief took Jack in temporarily while the Lomax family sorted out their living situation. Now, they're getting their little hero back.
“As soon as I got to the scene they said, ‘[Jack] saved our lives, he woke us up,’” Leary recounts to CBS Philly.
Please SHARE this hero's dog's story if you think the Lomaxes are lucky to have Jack in their lives.