Puppy Gets Sand Thrown In Her Face, Then Decides To Scooch In Under Dog’s Belly To Help

When we're born, we learn and grow through example in most circumstances. That's why our moms and dads teach and lead by example in the best ways they know how.

And, it just so happens that it seems like it's the same way for some animals, especially dogs.

In the video below, we get to see a great example of learning by example and once you see how cute these dogs are you most likely won't be able to look away—I know I didn't.

The chocolate lab starts off digging in the sand as the yellow lab puppy seems to watch in confusion.

The puppy even gets some sand thrown right into her face, but eventually—she decides she wants to try it herself and see what all the dog digging fuss is about!

So, she scooches right under the chocolate lab and tries to keep up with the big paws in front of her. But, soon after she realizes that might get too messy, she goes right to her own little area and continues what she's learned right in her own tiny hole.

Clearly, this puppy is a quick learner, and I'm sure that the bond between these labs is irreplaceable on and off of the beach.

Please SHARE this adorable doggy digging moment with everyone you know on Facebook!