I Wore High Heels For An Entire Week, And This Is How I Felt After 7 Days

Let me tell you about my lifelong preference for wearing flats over high heels. I think flats are super convenient, comfortable, and versatile.

That probably makes sense since I’m also the type of woman who doesn’t wear a lot of dresses, either. I’m much more of a pantsuit type of gal.

Perhaps that’s why I’ve grown so accustomed to wearing flats or the slightly heightened platform shoes that I’ve grown to love so much. Those make me feel powerful and invincible and give me a perhaps false air of elegance. In short, they make me feel like a career woman.

Nevertheless, I thought the idea of forcing myself to wear high heels for an entire week would be very interesting. Why not?

To be quite honest, I didn’t exactly have a big selection of high-heeled shoes to begin with, but I had enough to get through the entire week. I had at least half a dozen pairs of shoes that were 2 inches off the ground.

When I first slipped them on and walked around my apartment, I instantly felt more feminine and glamorous. How crazy is that? I quickly realized it was an internalization of suddenly feeling more fashionable, not to mention taller.

The clickety-clack sound the shoes made on the tile floor was divine. It reminded me of how much I loved that sound while walking down office building hallways.

After a couple of hours, I totally forgot about my little experiment, and it was just another day around the house. It was weird to not want to subconsciously kick them off in annoyance.

Sure, my feet felt tired, but not painfully tired like they tend to feel after a 14-hour day at Disneyland. The arch of my foot hurt a bit, and so did my ankle. My calves also felt like they had quite a workout.

It was interesting how wearing high heels also affected the way I carried myself around other people. They made me feel somewhat more confident and elegant, although I was essentially wearing the same jeans and blouses I wear on any other typical day. It was almost like the heels upped any outfit by default. If it was a cute outfit with flats, it became a great ensemble with high heels. Lesson learned.

My Shoes

Courtesy of Author for LittleThings

See what I mean? This is what I would typically wear on any given day. Sure, they look comfortable and presentable, but compared with wearing high heels, there’s just absolutely zero “wow” factor.


Instantly Glamorous

Courtesy of Author for LittleThings

I know it's silly, but slipping on some high heels instantly made me feel more elegant, even if I was wearing them with some plain old leggings (as you see here). They somehow made my legs look longer, too.

Take Things Up a Notch

Unsplash / Emily Gouker

I noticed that any old outfit I wore would instantly get a significant upgrade with the high heels. They had a way of taking an outfit from a 2 to an 8 by just adding a little lift.

Long Time, No See

Courtesy of Author for LittleThings

To be quite honest, this little experiment was the perfect excuse to get reacquainted with some beautiful shoes I hardly ever wear because they're so d*mn tall. I suddenly had a newfound appreciation for women who wear them every single day.

Does This Count as a Workout?

Unsplash / Eric Nopanen

After the first full day of wearing high heels, my calves were on fire. They felt like I had been lifting weights with my legs all day. Surely, women who wear them every day must not feel this sore… right?

The Street Is Your Runway

Courtesy of Author for LittleThings

Now I truly understand what high heels can do to my self-esteem and my fashion game. Sure, we’re just talking about a pair of shoes that go on your feet, but there was something about them that made me feel a little extra fashionable.  

Battle Scars

Courtesy of Author for LittleThings

OK, so it wasn't all fun and games. There were some tiny injuries involved. I noticed a little cut on my right heel after my second day of wearing high heels. It was truly nothing a little Neosporin and a Band-Aid couldn't take care of.

Upping the Feminine Factor


Another thing I noticed was that walking around in heels all day somehow allowed me to feel like the best version of myself. I felt confident, well put together, and extra feminine.

Fashion Has Sure Changed

I couldn't help but feel a little nostalgic about how women like my mom and grandmother dressed when they were young. They were so well put together with their dresses, pantyhose, and full hair and makeup.

Greater Sense of Self-Esteem

Unsplash / Mikail Duran

Not only did I feel confident, but I looked more put together, and that was an unfamiliar feeling.

Time to Go Shoe Shopping

Unsplash / Fikri Rasyid

Wearing heels for a whole week also allowed me to realize just how little I actually cared about shoe shopping. Working from home has a way of making you not need new stuff to wear out in public. I had a sudden urge to go out and get myself one (or five) new pairs of shoes.

Taking Jeans From Drab to Fab

Unsplash / Natasha Kasim

During this experiment, I also learned you only really need a few pairs of heels. For me, a self-proclaimed non-heel wearer, owning a black, brown, and maybe red pair would be ideal. I could get by with just these three colors because of their versatility. I noticed that even a pair of jeans looked better with a little lift.

Sneakers Type of Gal

Unsplash / Marcus Wallis

Did I have fun wearing heels for a whole week? Absolutely. But was I ready to get back into my sneakers by the end of the week? Heck yeah! While I enjoyed wearing heels for the purposes of this experiment, it was only further proof that I’m just not into them on an everyday basis.

Sticking to What Works

Courtesy of Author for LittleThings

Fortunately, we have the option of wearing anything we d*mn well please. It’s not like we have to commit to one style of shoe for the rest of our lives. Sure, I have a strong preference for these types of flat, comfortable shoes. But my high-heeled week totally reminded just how fun it is to throw some inches on once in a while.