Woman Trying On Halloween Costumes Notices A Cellphone Placed Camera-Up Under Her Door

The sanctity of dressing rooms, once considered private havens for shoppers, has been recently shattered by disturbing incidents of invasion and voyeurism.

Young women across the country are sharing harrowing experiences of being spied upon while trying on clothes, igniting a conversation about the need for increased vigilance and security measures in retail spaces. Inside Edition’s investigation has unearthed shocking cases, shedding light on the urgency of addressing this concerning trend.

In a world where personal privacy is paramount, the violation of dressing room security is deeply unsettling. Recent incidents involving creeps spying on women inside dressing rooms have sent shockwaves through communities. Emily Lang and Annabelle Davis are just two of the victims who found themselves targeted by an unknown perpetrator.

Both of these women were trying on clothes when they discovered a phone surreptitiously placed, capturing their intimate moments. Emily Lang said: “I was in a state of undress, my clothes were scattered about the floor, I looked down and I see a phone propped up on a pair of jeans.” This incident happened when Emily was at Forever 21 trying on Halloween costumes. Emily was able to take a picture of the creepy phone set up before the creeper ran off.

In the picture, you see the pair of pants in the dressing room next to Emily’s with the phone lying on them and slid perfectly far enough under the conjoining wall so the camera was able to view the whole dressing room. The same thing happened to Annabelle Davis when she was attempting to try on swimsuits at a Target in Kansas.

Annabelle said: “I’m starting to undress, I’m starting to put a new swimsuit on and as I’m looking through the mirror, I notice a phone propped above the doorway, and obviously the camera was on me, I could tell it wasn’t just an accident.” It turned out that the same man, Anthony DeLapp, was responsible for both incidents and served three years in prison.

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As these incidents come to light, young women are stepping forward to share their stories, urging others to be vigilant while trying on clothes. Their bravery in speaking out is not only raising awareness but also prompting discussions enhancing security protocols in retail spaces.

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