Where words fail, music speaks to the soul. Dogs also have a way of connecting to their human owners in unspoken ways. It seems fitting then to choose a music-inspired name for your canine companion.
There are just so many options to choose from. You can name your pup after your favorite artist, composer, or even after music theory. Don’t get us started on the different genres of music. The seven names on this list are merely a starting point.
This one is for opera fans. An aria is a piece of music sung by one voice that often reveals the character’s feelings in an intense way. Pups with this moniker are sure to be dramatic and over the top. Diva could be a good nickname.
More from LittleThings: The Best Art-Inspired Dog Names For Your Expressive And Poetic Pup
In music, a harmony is when two notes complement each other. They are different but work together to make a sound bigger than a single note could create on its own. It is pleasing to the ear. This is a great metaphor for a human owner and a pooch. They are better together.
This moniker is a twofer. Ludwig van Beethoven was a famous German classical composer who lived from 1770 to 1827. He is best known for "Symphony No. 9 in D minor, Op. 12." Beethoven is also the title of a 1992 family movie about a St. Bernard. It’s giving both music and pop culture.
Rhythm is the length and timing of notes or sounds. A quarter-note gets one beat while an eighth-note gets a half beat. This would also be a fun name because when you are taking your pup for a walk you could tell your partner or someone you met on the street you got rhythm.
This one’s for the Swifties. Taylor Swift is just so iconic that you should consider naming your dog after her. She is more of a cat person but that shouldn’t stop you. Shake it off and name your pup Taylor. Their nickname can be Tay. The moniker also works for James Taylor fans.
The American music genre of jazz was born in New Orleans, Louisiana. The form appears chaotic but once you understand its complexity, there is order present. This metaphor also applies to pet ownership. Dogs with this moniker will be cool cats.
In music a chord is a group of notes that when played at the same time sound pleasing to the ear. A typical chord is made up of a root note, a third, and a fifth. This sort of sounds like a pack of dogs. If you use this name perhaps you should get a couple more pups to have a trio.