This Cop Went Undercover In A Wheelchair & He Was Left Crying By The Things He Witnessed

Sometimes when you really put yourself out there in a new way, the world can surprise you in the most heartwarming ways.

This video story posted by Wonderbot shares how a Vancouver police officer decided to go undercover in a wheelchair and found himself completely surprised at how he was treated.

In the early 2010s, the city of Vancouver experienced a rise in violent crimes against some of the city’s most vulnerable people. In a 15-month span, there were approximately 28 violent crimes against people in wheelchairs, including muggings involving knives, as well as assaults.

The police department was at a loss for what to do until Sgt. Mark Horsley decided to step in with a rather unorthodox idea.

According to ABC News, the veteran police sergeant decided to head to the streets of Vancouver to portray a disabled man in a wheelchair living with a brain injury. The news outlet reports that he ventured into a low-income area of town hoping to make some arrests in relation to these violent crimes.

Even though this exercise did not lead to any arrests, Mark found himself shocked at the sense of community and kindness he experienced in over 300 interactions he had with Vancouver residents.

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Mark told the news outlet that there was one point when he was undercover where he had visible cash practically hanging out of a pouch on his person and one individual kindly zipped it up for him without a second thought and told him to be careful out there.

To hear more about this police officer’s unique journey into a world he may never have known, click the video!