For those pet parents out there who have experienced a traumatic health event with their dogs or cats, it can feel like everything is coming crashing down during those scary moments. Life is just not the same when things aren’t going well for our best furry friends because we’re so used to having them by our side and sharing in our daily lives.
In this Reddit AITA forum, a 24-year-old man asks for some guidance after he was supposed to attend his brother’s wedding when his dog ran out in the street and was injured in an accident right before the big event. When he was not invited to bring his dog to the wedding festivities, he decided to cancel his trip to stay home and care for his dog. What would you do if you were in this situation?
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Right before his brother’s nuptials, the original poster's dog was in a serious accident that left him injured.
The OP explains that his dog “ran out into the street and got hit by a bike” and had to be rushed to the vet as “he was in very rough shape.” While the dog was healing and recuperating, the vet told him that he would “need supervision for the next week” as this happened just three days before his brother’s wedding.
When the OP received this news, he tried to tell his brother about his predicament with his injured dog, but he “wouldn’t budge” and wanted to keep his wedding a “no pet event.” That seems fair considering it’s your big life event and you should be able to do what you’d like on that one day and have full control over who attends. On the other hand though, couldn’t he have made an exception for his brother?
The OP had to cancel his plans and stay home from his brother’s wedding to give full attention to his sick dog.
The OP explains that after that discussion led nowhere, he told his brother that he “had to cancel” and he would “not be attending due to the fact that [he] needed to take care of [his] dog.” A few days after the wedding, he received word that his family was “upset” with him for not attending his brother’s wedding as they expected him to get a dog sitter for the occasion.
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It can be difficult to find a responsible person who is going to care for your pet in the same manner in which you would. The OP explains that he “didn’t want to trust a random person” or even give “someone [he knows] this much responsibility” since his dog had special needs due to his injury. This Redditor explains that his dog is “one of the few things that helped [him] get through” difficult times, so it makes sense that he holds him so dear.
Most Redditors think that he is at fault and should have made special arrangements to be able to attend his brother’s once-in-a-lifetime event.
A lot of individuals commenting on this Reddit AITA post have made it clear that they’re siding with the family and the now-married brother here because a wedding is a pretty big occasion to miss out on.
One commenter wrote, “I have a dog who I’m obsessed with, but a wedding for an immediate family member is a big deal.” And lots of other commenters noted that it made perfect sense that it was a “no pet event” because not many weddings are.
Another commenter suggested that even though they have a very close relationship with their dog, this pet parent should have bought “a close friend some beer and pizza to watch the dog” because this wasn’t “something to miss your brother’s wedding over.”
There usually is someone you can call on when you have an emergency with your pet and are needed elsewhere. Whether it’s a close friend or a neighbor or even a specialized dog-sitting service. There had to be someone available, right?
These stories are based on posts found on Reddit. Reddit is a user-generated social news aggregation, web content rating, and discussion website where registered members submit content to the site and can up- or down-vote the content. The accuracy and authenticity of each story cannot be confirmed by our staff.