Since their domestication, canines and humans have had a symbiotic relationship. Dogs help humans by herding sheep, being their eyes, and giving them companionship. Humans feed, water, and love the four-legged creatures. Sadly, sometimes humans do not fulfill their part of this relationship. This was recently the case at a so-called rescue in Newton, Mississippi.
In July 2023, the Newton County Sheriff's Office in Mississippi received an alarming complaint about the animals under the care of Second Paw Dog Rescue. When authorities investigated, they found numerous neglected animals who were tied to trees, left rooming free, and locked in cages in horrible flooded and filthy conditions. Several other rescue organizations banded together to save over 70 dogs from this awful situation.
When authorities realized how big of a rescue mission this was going to be, they contacted Animal Rescue Corps for help. This national nonprofit animal protection agency came up with a plan, assembled the necessary resources, and gathered a dedicated team to save these furry friends. The BISSELL Pet Foundation, Animal Rescue Corps, and the Newton County Sheriff's Office worked together to execute what they called “operation skin and bones.”
Unfortunately, there ended up being two properties associated with the Second Paw Dog Rescue, which has not yet publicly commented on the incident. Between the two locations, over 70 dogs were found in squalid living conditions. It is believed that they had not been given food or water for days.
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The living pooches were also underfed and dirty. It is believed they were without proper veterinary care for some time. More than a dozen bodies of dead dogs were also found on both properties.
Michael Cunningham, the public information officer for Animal Rescue Corps, was part of the rescue mission and spoke about his experience with People.
"At the first property, we found dozens of large dogs running loose and about a dozen confined in pens and tethered to trees. All of them were very dirty, and many had obvious wounds, emaciation, and broken teeth from trying to chew their way free,” Michael recalled. “Several had mange, and one had a broken leg that had been broken for a long time.”
The rescued pups were taken to Animal Rescue Corps' Rescue Center in Gallatin, Tennessee. There, they were given thorough medical exams to assess their conditions and the necessary follow-up care needed.
These good boys and girls will eventually be adopted out to their forever homes so they can live out their best lives in the luxury they deserve.
Michael confirmed that Second Paw Dog Rescue's owners will answer for their alleged crimes. They have been charged with six counts of felony animal cruelty. Surprisingly, he also urges the public not to rush to judgment.
"It's easy to point a finger at a person and say, 'It's all their fault,'" Michael explains. "But the fact is that most shelters in this country are bursting with homeless animals, and perfectly adoptable animals are being put to death every day, and that is all of our responsibility.”
Michael was overwhelmed with how loving these animals were, despite their neglect. "I was expecting some to exhibit negative behavior, which I'm used to in cases like this, but most of them greeted us with tail wags and were very sweet,” he recalled. “Several jumped into our truck when we opened the doors to unload our equipment or climbed into our crates willingly.”
Michael believes these dogs are on their way to a full recovery. "I can tell they're feeling much better,” he stated. “Our animal care volunteers have been spoiling them with treats, toys, a clean enclosure, and of course, lots of love. They're also starting to play with toys, which fills our hearts to see joy return to them.” He trusts their future will be much brighter than their past.