James practically jumped out of bed and made his way down to his kitchen to grab a quick cup of coffee. As soon as he poured his morning dose of caffeine, he went over to his front window to see if he could spot anything strange happening in his neighborhood.
James watched his elderly neighbor, Mr. Tuller, get out his garden hose and begin to water his lawn like he did most mornings. From where James was standing, he began to hear his wife Christine and daughter Lily begin to rise in their bedrooms. He had woken up early for a particular reason.
For the past few weeks, James had been giving Lily $10 every morning to buy a nice hot lunch at school, but every single day she came home hungry. James wondered if her daily lunch allowance was going missing on her way to the bus stop each morning.
He had asked his daughter what had been happening with her lunch money but Lily didn’t seem to want to discuss things with him. James decided to do the only thing he could think to do, which was check his outdoor video camera footage to see if he could discover the truth.
James sat down on the couch to watch the surveillance footage. He immediately saw Lily walk by Mr. Tuller’s house and slow down to talk to the elderly gentleman. He couldn’t hear what they were saying to one another, but he saw his daughter reach inside her pocket to retrieve her lunch money and promptly hand it to her neighbor.
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After Lily handed him the money, Mr. Tuller quickly nodded and turned away from the 8-year-old to head back inside his home. As soon as James saw the proof he had been looking for with his own eyes, he immediately saw red. He couldn’t believe that a grown man would make a habit out of taking a young girl’s lunch money.
Just as he was getting ready to confront the man himself, Mr. Tuller showed up on his front step. Find out what his explanation was to James that day by checking out the video posted by Wonderbot.
While we cannot verify the validity of the details of this story, we do think you'll be interested in the outcome.