Whether you’re a perfect driver or someone who tends to have a bit of a heavy foot, almost everyone gets a speeding ticket at some point in their lives.
Officer Kevin Coates was a seasoned police officer with Michigan's Sterling Heights Police Department. Coates had been on the force for over 15 years and was known by both his colleagues and the township as someone who always came from a compassionate place.
Officer Coates had helped on murder and theft cases throughout his career, but he never thought he would be publicly known for a simple act of kindness that melted the hearts of thousands of people online.
According to The Detroit News, around 7:30 p.m. on an early October evening in 2021, Officer Coates was doing a routine stop for someone speeding when he found a 79-year-old man in distress behind the wheel.
Identified by police by only his first name, David told the officer that he had a wife experiencing a health crisis at home as well as an adult son with special needs. David went on to explain that he had just purchased a new television and had “no idea” how to install it at home.
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David explained to the officer that he normally drove “right,” but he had spent the majority of his day driving around to different stores looking for some help with his TV installation. At that moment, Officer Coates decided to let David off with just a warning, but not before getting his phone number and information so he could offer him a little help.
To find out how Officer Kevin Coates helped an elderly man in need after hours, watch the full video posted by Wonderbot.