Molly, the golden retriever, is back safe at home with her owners Randy and Cynthia Ruth after a five-month adventure. On June 15, 2023, Molly was getting groomed by Rose Shoemaker at Spitfire Farm in Anita, Iowa. She dashed out an open door and into the corn fields.
No one could catch Molly until October 29, nearly five months later. She had lost 40 pounds during that time. She is undergoing some veterinarian care, but will likely make a full recovery.
"Molly jumped off my grooming table and ran out the door into farmland where the corn had just started to get quite tall," Rose explained. "She was seen several times for the first couple of months, and lots and lots of effort was put forth to find her. However, no one could catch her."
The whole Anita community came together to try to find Molly. They tried everything, including treats and toys. This pooch did not want to come easily. Farm workers did keep Randy and Cynthia up to date with their sightings of her during her absence.
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On October 29, the farmers stumbled upon Molly in a cornfield. They were able to capture her and contacted Randy and Cynthia. Rose was relieved to hear as well. "Lots of happy tears were shed by me for sure," she stated.
Watch this video for another happy canine reunion.