Honolulu Couple Goes On Vacation And Comes Back To Find Out Someone Took Over Their Home

Brittany and James Campbell left their Honolulu, Hawaii, home for a week. When they returned, they were startled to discover that someone had taken it upon themselves to move in — despite the fact that the Campbells had definitely not moved out.

The couple and their story are being featured in a new true crime show about "phrogging" — which is what happens when strangers hide in homes of people they don't know.

James explains on the show, "There is a man peeking through the door. He’s trying to hold it shut and the man says, ‘this is not your house’ just very calmly. I am just floored."

Luckily, James and Brittany were able to scare the intruder off with a sledgehammer and a call to 911. However, things didn't stop there. As James says, things got weirder once the man left the home. "We notice he’s wearing my clothes," James says. "Things are getting crazier by the moment."

Eventually, 23-year-old Ezequiel Zayas was taken away by authorities. Unfortunately, things for Brittany and James got worse before they got better. It turns out that Ezequiel had completely wrecked the inside of the couple's home.

Someone had also used their computers to put together odd notes about them, titled "The Omnivore Trials: A rehabilitation for Ratlike people." While reading the notes, the pair realized the person had been living in their home for longer than they realized.

The notes included graphic details about medical procedures the man wanted to perform on the couple. As Brittany put it, "He wanted to play doctor on us — and not in the cute little kid way. [He wrote about] how he could make us into perfect people."

It turns out that phrogging happens more often than a lot of us think. The show's producer explains to the New York Post that phroggers are perfectly comfortable living somewhere that other people are living in.

The man who moved into the home was charged with burglary and let go.