Those little bumps on either side of your chest have had a moment in recent years thanks to the "Free the Nipple" movement, a viral campaign that demands women be given the choice to go topless and/or braless if they so desire. (No one makes a fuss when men do so, after all!)
Several female celebrities have really leaned into #FreeTheNipple, among them Chrissy Teigen, Chelsea Handler, Miley Cyrus, and Kendall Jenner. All four of those women have gone so far as to challenge Instagram's no-female-nipple policy by posting topless pictures on the platform at one point or another, though the latter might be the most prominent pro-nipple advocate of them all. It's safe to say that no one loves going braless or topless more than Kendall Jenner — NO ONE.
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In fact, the statuesque model and reality star is so well-known for freeing the nipple that she's actually inspired a wave of plastic surgeries among young women…

Kendall is an outspoken supporter of #FreeTheNipple: "I love my t*ts being out," she told W Magazine in an October 2016 interview about her modeling career. "It’s like one of my things, I guess."

She's not afraid to share photos of her topless self with her 93.2 million Instagram followers, either, cleverly skirting its no-nipple policy by covering her chest with emojis from time to time.

Kendall took to her personal blog in 2016 to explain her penchant for going braless.

"I really don't see what the big deal is with going braless!" she wrote. "I think it's cool and I really just don't care! It's sexy, it's comfortable and I'm cool with my breasts. That's it!"

Kendall's braless style has amassed its own fans recently, some of whom have actually gone under the knife to replicate her so-called "designer nipples."
You see, some women just aren't happy with the way their own nipples look under clothes.

Some ladies think their nipples don't point or protrude in a way that lends itself to showcasing them fashionably. No amount of adjusting will get them to do what they want them to do.
That's where modern medicine comes in.

The New York Post recently interviewed a 28-year-old woman who decided to undergo a procedure to make her nipples pointier after looking at pictures of Kendall Jenner.
When the woman was asked why she wanted her nipples to protrude more, she said, "I think there's something really sexy and feminine about it."
Dr. Norman Rowe was the surgeon who coined the term "designer nipples."

"[Our patients] see these celebrities wearing these sheer dresses, and they would like to emulate and mimic that type of clothing, and they want their nipples and the areola to be presentable," Dr. Rowe explained.

Dr. Rowe can do a few things to help a woman achieve her desired look, including injecting Botox into her nipples to make them more pronounced.
A patient can also have work done on her areola.

The areola can be made smaller or larger, darker or lighter, depending on what an individual patient is looking for.
Dr. Rowe's procedures begin at $700 and go up from there.

The Botox injections typically last up to two years, Dr. Rowe told the Post.
"A lot of our patients want that high beam or headlight look," he said, "and [with] the advances we're making every day, it is possible to have perfection."
News of these new "designer nipple" procedures has been met with mixed reviews on social media.

Some people think they're just another ploy to make women feel insecure about their own bodies.

But others see the value in undergoing such a procedure to boost one's confidence.

Would you ever undergo Botox injections to achieve Kendall Jenner-esque "designer nipples"?