It was a typical day at the train station where Steven had worked for over seven years. His job involved patrolling the lot to make sure there weren’t any disturbances or illegal activity going on, but most days, his job was fairly pleasant.
He might have to break up a few teens who were being too noisy or help someone who couldn’t find their gate, but that was usually the extent of it. Sometimes he’d have to guide people to the lost and found room in the station where forgotten belongings ended up, but really, there was nothing too stressful about Steven’s work.
Steven wasn’t working his dream job by any means, but it paid his bills and he was content, so he stuck it out. He eventually wanted to get married and have kids of his own, but he hadn’t had much luck in the dating department thus far.
One day at work when he was starting to think about when to take his lunch break, a woman tapped him on the shoulder and told him that he might want to check out a lone little girl who was crying on a nearby bench.
Steven approached the young girl and asked her if she was OK. She promptly told him between cries that she was waiting for her dad to arrive. Steven managed to get out of her that her mother was still at home, so he decided he should contact the authorities in case her mom had reported the little girl missing.
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Steven soon found out that the girl’s mother was on her way to the station to get her. They had been out shopping together at the grocery store when she took off and the mom had quickly called the police.
Find out the shocking twist and crazy connection that was revealed when the little girl showed Steven a photo of her dad when you watch the video shared by Wonderbot.
While we can't verify the facts of this Wonderbot story, we do think you'll be interested in the outcome.