It’s almost a right of passage of childhood to get something stuck in your ear. It’s another thing altogether, though, when a live creature crawls in there on its own. This appears to be the case in a viral video posted by Indian social media personality Chandan Singh.
Chandan posted a video on Facebook with the caption “the snake has gone in the ear” on September 1, 2022, for his 20,126 followers. This four-minute video shows a “doctor” attempting to remove a live snake from a woman’s ear. The medical professional uses tools from tweezers to syringes.
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It is unclear at this time whether the video is authentic or not. But that has not stopped people from watching it. The video has been viewed over 125,000 times.
People are weighing in on whether or not they believe it is real. One skeptical user posted: ‘“He looks like a bogus doctor. That’s why he’s pulling off so many tricks.”
Another made light of the situation: “Instead of a doctor, a snake charmer would have extracted the snake.”
One commenter brings up a logical point. They noted that it seems odd that the snake is facing its head out. This would mean it crawled in head first and turned around in the cramped ear canal.
While this video’s validity is up for debate, it is terrifyingly not uncommon for creatures to crawl into ears. A New Zealand man discovered a cockroach in his ear this January. It remained in his ear for three days. A tourist in Puerto Rico caught a crab in his ear when snorkeling. Time will tell if this snake video can be added to these true ear horror stories.